As a Community, we do not want RDF

You can’t call a 13-year-old an old man. That doesn’t make sense.

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Thinking a compliment means sockpuppetting or some sort of romantic relationship, it only shows how isolated from social connections you guys are. Which is a product of trolling, but there in lies the heart of the matter -

Giving a compliment has been a part of human history for a very long time, if you were unaware.

I can back this and say that Faerlina players are full of no changes players

Faerlina is #lovechanges.

He may act 13. But he was old in retail wrath. Couldn’t hack it. Can’t hack retail today. Back to try and hack away at classic, but his old feeble hands aren’t up to the “elite” parsing he pretended they were. That top 1%. He must be living vicariously.


I can tell you that you guys were anti Dual Specs during TBC and wanted no changes during TBC. So stop pretending that you want changes, because LFG system is technically no changes for QOL.

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Finally, a moment’s respite.

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Lot of words for someone who does RMT.

Funny how one person stopped posting and another person stopped posting together.


Sorry, bud. I need no carries. You, on the other hand… Hope you’ve been saving your gold to buy your carries, old man!

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Honestly give me raid finder. Give me dungeon finder. AND I WANT CROSS SERVER. I just want to play the game it’s going to crap anyway n classic players obviously don’t care about anyone else

I told you, you give these pro-RDF people an inch and they take a mile and want to change Classic to Retail.


we arent talking about cata, the first thing you have to know about cata is that the DEVS themselves blame cata for the fall of wows popularity. and an even further drop in kung fu panda expansion for other reasons and even further with that hot garbage that was wod. but none of the problems with cata, mop, and wod had anything to do with RDF. it had to do with poor expansions and changing communities.

I am telling you, you are the dude that probably said “no changes” and “no dual spec” in TBC Classic.

You haven’t prescribed classic at all you have wrath 2.0 with all the nonsense they already added. Trolls trolling. Since wrath 2.0 is what we have single node, group mob tag, raid finder, dungeon finder, cross realm should all be present. Plus MoP class design and some legion legendäres for the LoLz

That would imply that he doesn’t want changes, this dude is just a troll trolling

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I like how to didn’t take my whole post about how I can’t play the game I pay for but only the negative part lol

Literally lasted 1 minute…

im not his alt you sipleton, i simply agree with his message and preach it

As a Community, we do not want RDF!

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Apparently telling the Truth is trolling to these people.