As a Community, we do not want RDF


I can understand where you are coming from and if I hadn’t had such a horrible vanilla classic experience and now terrible TBC experience I would have agreed.

However, this is what I am seeing now (and so different from the original); I see mass amounts of people sitting at dungeon entrances waiting to be carried by a mage or some sort of gold farmer. All that gold they make from doing carries is being sold. That gold is being bought and used for GDKP. The pace at which people cleared stuff this time around was mind-blowing. I remember farming BWL back in the days. As a guild, there were some weeks we couldn’t clear BWL due to what color chromag had that week. Now it’s like if you have gold, which people are buying like crazy from all the carrying and from the bonkers amount of bots running around, they are fully geared within a week or two. It’s disgusting and kills this game. It took me a month or so to reach max level in vanilla, and it took a VERY long time to get geared. That just isn’t the case. You cannot compete or do anything now with the volume of bots, exploits and gold buying. God help you if you’re a pvper like me. Wait until you see how geared people will be the first week of arena. It won’t be fun from all the cheaters. After this last weekend of gearing WSG, I literally can’t even login, I am so disgusted with botting and toxic environment. Of note, it was really fun playing the old DK style. Play style wise, I love the simplicity so much better. DK isn’t fun to play on retail for me but an absolute blast in classic.
RDF/LFR/Tokens don’t solve the problem 100%, but it sure helps to compete with bots, gold sellers and GDKP. Being in a good guild would be a huge help, but I am tired of guild politics and play on my own.
Again, well-thought-out, great points. I just see it different.


I very much understand your view and I appreciate your stance of uncertainty.


I hope that my experience is only my own and if RDF does eventually get added that I am wrong.

All I want is for the servers to be healthy and the game to be good. I don’t in general want to tell people how to enjoy the game or tell people how they should be playing the game.

I just want people to enjoy it so they stay. I’m not going to get the experience I had back in 2008. I just want to play a game I enjoy for once. I just want the game to be good.


I’M NOT CRYING, YOU ARE! :face_holding_back_tears: :sob:

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Why are people typing out novels and essays on my thread.

This is an anti-RDF thread, there will be NO RDF no matter how much you people cry.

Imagine thinking you speak for the community. The narcissism is unreal


I speak for the SILENT MAJORITY of people who do NOT want RDF.

God this is such a dumb thread, RDF is literally one of the best things about Wrath.

LFG does too so its just as toxic where people want certain ilvls and achievements to do content that doesnt matter anymore because they dont want to be in a dungeon for 4 hours trying to get 2 emblems.

I dont know who you play with, but if a new player isnt speaking up then thats on them. 100%. No one should feel inclined to help you if you cant even help yourself to ask a question.

Im there to play the game, you know use my abilities and defeat enemies. I dont want the dungeon to take longer than it should because the healer wants to talk about the new turtle he got last night. Thats not why im in there. Thats not why anyone is in there doing that dungeon. If you are there just to chat and socialize stay in LFG chat, trade chat, or general chat.

Dungeons should not be treated as chat rooms because thats not what they are. If they are to you then you are wasting 4 other peoples time unless they are also there to mess about talking about whatever nonsense you talk about in a dungeon.

No it doesnt. If I dont like a group I can leave without penalty and find another group.

Im not a kid anymore, but I didnt care if I got to sit where I wanted or if the teacher had assigned seats. Im not in school to talk to other people, im there to learn.

Maybe we just found the problem, people dont know the purpose of what dungeons and raids are for.

How exactly do you get loot ninjas in RDF? I have never seen it happen. EVER.

VoA? Thats your nightmare stories? A raid that you had to either run with your guild or pug and couldnt use the RDF because it wasnt 5 man content?

You arguments are running very thin at this point to where you dont have one.

No they wont, they will just continue on and let you catch up. The content is pushover easy when it comes to normals and heroics. If you are getting kicked from a normal or heroic, its not because you had to see who was at the door, you were either doing absolutely nothing, or you were just talking a bunch of trash that no one wanted to see.

Yes, DPS can be replaced instantly, but many of times if someone said “someone at the door brb, ill catch up to you guys” no one votes to kick. Everyone understands that real life is more important than a game and it doesnt actually hinder the content if 1 person had to go to the bathroom.

This is all just hyperbolic nonsense. I really dont know how people can have these wild claims that are blatantly false.

And in retail they know the content is so easy that if you have real life stuff come up they dont care to stop what they are doing, and initiate a vote kick.


Dear god do you have any compassion at all or you just a bot who treats the game like a WoW head BiS list?

Not a single party in this game legit kicks you out for not talking. They kick you out for being an idiot or being a jerk or ninja loot or go afk. So if you get kicked out, you probably fit in one of those criteria. Period.

No one wants to legit hear you talk about how nice your house is, if Susie is doing fine today, or if your wife or husband is cheating, or if some politician told you that you aren’t allowed to play WoW, or if you broke a nail.


Well if you don’t want to be part of a Community why are you playing an MMO?

I get that you have the urge to respond back to me ASAP, but you are too obvious to forget and switch to your lvl 70 death knight character to reply.


I main a Warrior not a DK, and no I am not Shanxi either. That is harassment if you keep saying that with no proof.

Funny how you keep calling it harassment and get extremely defensive over someone assuming that you are same person with same grammar structure and writing style.

It’s not hard to assume you two are same people, so let’s stop and drop the act.


What you said here is not an assumption:

You stated it as a fact with zero proof.

I am a Highly Influential Figure in this Community, it is not odd that other posters take after me a little bit here and there.

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Okay. Shanxi.


It’s funny how you so openly harass those with a different opinion than you, matter fact it wouldn’t surprise me if you and Kelliste are the same person considering you type the same pro-RDF nonsense.

At least I am not the one who pretend that I am an Amazon Prime member and behave like I am special like you who has been talking like special snowflake with a body of 40 years old man with 10 years old mind.


This literally makes no sense, I am not that old and everything i’ve said so far has been Factual.

Where did I say a SINGLE Lie this whole thread?? I can count MANY you said though.