I can understand where you are coming from and if I hadn’t had such a horrible vanilla classic experience and now terrible TBC experience I would have agreed.
However, this is what I am seeing now (and so different from the original); I see mass amounts of people sitting at dungeon entrances waiting to be carried by a mage or some sort of gold farmer. All that gold they make from doing carries is being sold. That gold is being bought and used for GDKP. The pace at which people cleared stuff this time around was mind-blowing. I remember farming BWL back in the days. As a guild, there were some weeks we couldn’t clear BWL due to what color chromag had that week. Now it’s like if you have gold, which people are buying like crazy from all the carrying and from the bonkers amount of bots running around, they are fully geared within a week or two. It’s disgusting and kills this game. It took me a month or so to reach max level in vanilla, and it took a VERY long time to get geared. That just isn’t the case. You cannot compete or do anything now with the volume of bots, exploits and gold buying. God help you if you’re a pvper like me. Wait until you see how geared people will be the first week of arena. It won’t be fun from all the cheaters. After this last weekend of gearing WSG, I literally can’t even login, I am so disgusted with botting and toxic environment. Of note, it was really fun playing the old DK style. Play style wise, I love the simplicity so much better. DK isn’t fun to play on retail for me but an absolute blast in classic.
RDF/LFR/Tokens don’t solve the problem 100%, but it sure helps to compete with bots, gold sellers and GDKP. Being in a good guild would be a huge help, but I am tired of guild politics and play on my own.
Again, well-thought-out, great points. I just see it different.