As a Community, we do not want RDF

You’re a rotund bald dude looking to agitate folks in forums. Just look at his history, you’ll see. In fact, it’s so whacked out I don’t even know what this old dude even bothers for.

That was MY comeback towards you, you are literally not even creative anymore. Find your own insults because right now it just sounds like pure projection.

I own the BIGGEST Thread on the forum currently in Classic, when Devs come here they will NOT read the comments they will see a 5k commented post with 10k views and realize the Community does not actually want RDF after all.

I am not only a Leader Figure, I am the SAVIOR of Classic.

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Yes. I’m projecting to some fat bald dude who is angry with life, and taking it out on folks in a world of warcraft forum.


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You pretty much said they don’t care that there is no one that agrees with you and will just look at the loser who posted and the title. Thank you for admitting this.

This is harassment.

Pretty much expected from a self admitted RMT’er.

That’s not what I said, but ok.

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Dis is one half. Press any key to continue.

I recommend people just stop posting in this thread. It’s a waste of time, unproductive/irrelevant to the current game, and just feeds some self-described community leader’s ego. Peace.

Peace, you’re a pro RDF troll and seem to be FAR more negative than the OP of this post ever was.

People are trying to partake in a discussion so you won’t be missed!

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Log into WoW, do you see RDF or LFG?

It is 100% Relevant to the game, YOU can leave if you want since I DESTROYED you in EVERY debate.

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Wait, the troll’s feelings are hurt now? You lying and saying that I RMT when I do not is not harassment?

Take a hot shower. Relax. Listen to your Yanni, or whatever you old folks listen to nowadays. Smoke some happy herbs?

It will be OK when RDF comes during ICC. You’ll live with it, and use it like the rest of us.

You said they won’t read the discussion or comments and just assume everyone agrees with you. Why does this help you? Because no one agrees with you and if they actually read it they would understand that RDF is indeed wanted in Classic.

I’m not claiming to read all 5007 replies but most of them are in agreement, RDF was a mistake, we don’t want it. Ever.

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This is YOUR quote:

Stop the coping, EVERYONE knows what type of player you are.

MOST of the replies on this thread AGREE with me. The ones who disagree are ALL alt-accounts.

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This is not a discussion or debate. It’s just silliness. Why make a thread about not wanting something that already isn’t in the game. So dumb.

Rdf, get this stinking alt out of here. You can do better.

To keep it OUT of our game for GOOD.

You’re the only one preptrating this silliness and refusing to engage in a polite discussion about it - instead of choosing to call people trolls.

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No, thats not my quote. That is YOUR quote. You left a whole paragraph out. But thats OK. I won’t report you for harassament because it shows you’re a weak liar. And it really bothers you when we call you an old turd.

Get good you old turd. Stop saying classic is harder than retail. You’re old!

He doesn’t understand sarcasm

Oh thats rich, you were the one who said earlier you’ve never accused me of having alts but you were happily using your alt to like your posts instantly. Nice try.

This person is NOT my alt, they are just the supporter of the MAJORITY anti-RDF crowd.

Retail is OBJECTIVELY easier than Classic, how are you even going to dispute this??

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