As a Community, we do not want RDF

YOU do not speak for ME


WRONG. As a Community, we do not want RDF!

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I speak for the SILENT MAJORITY.

You are pathetic.

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At least try to talk and spell differently. You aren’t convincing anyone bro

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If you keep accusing people of being my alt without proof it will result in reports.

Many, many people have done that.

Every single comment on this alt is about Rdf, most liked character is you with 14 likes, and they joined September 19 which is pretty recent. Sounds like a winner to me!
And their comments sound just like you.


despite what OP said, i would LOVE to see RDF come back. however, id like to see it realm locked to keep the “social aspect” that everyone loves to claim exists. everyones biggest qualms with it was always people ninjaing and its caters to people who leech, which i agree. however, it was amazing for leveling. i personally hate the LFG system because half the time i find myself waiting for people because they “just have to turn in a quest real quick” or they ask for help doing a quest before the dungeon starts. (this was my experience with it in outlands, not as bad at lower levels but it was significantly harder to get a group going at lower levels). im fine with the rest of what you mentioned but give us rdf sooner, and no heroics for RDF or raids. and once the game gets old and servers die, maybe then they could introduce cross realm RDF, or really, just merge the dead servers.

That doesn’t mean anything, I have many fans.

Being delusional is not healthy. Seek professional help.


Shoo troll created solely to troll rdf posts, :rofl:

Nah i want it.


Is this really about “social interaction” or is this about people who already have friends and groups to do content with, that don’t want it to be any easier for the people who typically play with randoms, and who login and don’t have people to call on for a dungeon at any time of the day? There’s nothing social queuing up, but there’s nothing social about spamming chat either. If anything, the socializing happens during the dungeon when people work together and strategize to complete a task.

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I want RDF!!!


Correction “In my personal opinion, and self appointed Community Leader, I think… blah blah blah blah, I own this game… Blah Blah Blah… Only i know whats best for wow players… Blah Blah Blah…”

Ohhh wait… only 1 guyed…


This is FALSE, I represent the SILENT MAJORITY.

If you want a lobby based game go play CoD, STOP trying to turn Classic into Retail.

rdf is a known troll and just feeding him at this point. he has zero life and probably resides in a basement somewhere surrounded by empty redbull cans and cheetohs bags relying on the game to provide him some sense of accomplishment in his poor pathetic existence.


The Rdf guy already admitted himself that he hates RDF system because he can’t choose who he can kick if they are not good enough for him to be carried.

Where LFG, he can just make his own party and have best people to carry him and if he doesn’t like someone, he can kick them out for his own leisure.


Then you got stuck on the boats like everyone else did. Boats were disabled for about an hour, they had to teach the servers the difference between effect and affect, and you would have had to use the NPC to teleport you to either Howling Fjord or Borean Tundra because they disabled the boats.

The boats are back up, but you clearly werent playing Wrath classic if you were posting on these forums for about an hour after the boats started to cycle.