As a Community, we do not want RDF

Funny, so do I - so I will continue to think you made it up like the girlfriend that goes to another school who you can’t call right now.


Ok, well feel free to share it again, until then you are the one who has not backed up your arguments with proof

But I am part of the community, you can’t prove if I am in the majority or minority because that data in any official form has never been gathered or published.

SO do you care to fail again?

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You guys really need to stop feeding the excessively obvious troll.

they literally has like a thousand replies in just this thread alone.

Just report it for trolling, mute the thread and move on. Stop feeding it.


This is reasonable take. There is no way to recreate these experiences as they were. Reality is regardless of what any one person or subgroup wants, blizzard is here to make money and they will add/remove features to drive that player time/engagement up. If that leads to a treasured feature being added/removed blizzard will not care regardless of how much clutching of pearls goes on in these forums.

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What you think has NO bearing on Reality.

anti-RDF WON, give it up and MOVE ON.

If you can’t even go through my posts to find it, why should I? You’re not important to me. I and MANY others already know the Truth.

What do you see when you log in, RDF or LFG? Get used to it bud, WE are the MAJORITY and we will NEVER bring back RDF.

Projection. Its all trolling. Guy named RDF makes an RDF thread during reboot to start a fight. I’ve just been reporting it all as trolling. Cya when you’re suspension ends.


Same, I’m surprised he hasn’t been banned.

2 facts for you corky

  1. I am not nor will I ever be your bud

  2. You have no way to prove you are in the majority

But hey continue to fail.


Is this another coping mechanism? It’ll all get unflagged anyways and matter in fact I hope YOU get banned for FALSE FLAGGING.

If opposing opinions scare you so much, stay off the forums.

Blizzard ONLY makes decisions based on the MAJORITY.

There is a reason why the Devs are on OUR side and NOT yours.

LMAO … Now I know you are 100% trolling or a complete moron or both.

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Absolutely both.

If this is the type of toxicity RDF brings then both YOU and RDF can stay out of MY Community.

Why? Every post that continues to make contention around RDF is a win for pro-RDF. While the discourse remains at the forefront of the forums, loud and obnoxious, it becomes more and more likely to be added to the game simply to quell noise.

This OP thinks he is doing himself a favour, but every post is doing us a solid. Thanks bros!

The more noise around any given topic, the more likely change is made. This has been proven, time and time again. Every major change to the game has had extraordinary amounts of naysayers like the OP thinking they are helping their case by posting stupid threads like this and keeping them bumped for eternity.

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Thank you, you articulated my point much better than I was able too and in a much more clean statement.

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What kind of new found Copium is this? My post has only cemented the Fact that Blizzard should NOT put in RDF.

Yes, I’m sure it has. Please, keep bumping the noise.

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Please do keep bumping, I’ve converted MANY people to the anti-RDF side as they see all of your pro-RDF arguments as EASILY debunked talking points.

You’re right! Please, name all the major system changes in WoW, classic or otherwise, that were achieved by making no noise on the forums! I’ll wait.

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This is sad, it’s like losing a fight so badly that you act like you won in order to cope with the loss.

Pro-RDF LOST, anti-RDF WON. Get used to it.