You can’t tell me that classic does not have gdkp spam, asocial groups, gold buying, and just generally a garbage community because I currently play it. It currently does not have RDF. How did RDF do this?
You would think I don’t realize they have said they don’t plan on putting a dungeon tool other than the garbage they currently have.
I know this. I’m not hiding behind a level 10 trolling groups of people who want it. Something tells me an iteration of what WE want will come.
Cross realm dungeon groups are inevitable. Doesn’t have to be automated. It’s the only way for the realms to survive, albeit for a limited time longer.
And by the way, your parses, what you’ve completed, have NOTHING to do with this other than you bring a level 10 to troll. That is the point of your spew. You’re hiding.
There is NO Gold buying in Classic, it is ILLEGAL but you can hop over to Retail and buy WoW Tokens.
GDKPs are NOT a danger to the Community, on my Mega Server we verify EVERY customer before allowing them to play with us.
And it is YOUR fault if you are not able to socialize and find friends, do you blame everyone else for your mistakes? Take some accountability and learn to be more social the systems we have in place are FINE.
And this is YOUR problem, maybe you belong on Retail and not on Classic then since you seem to to prefer it more.
Myself and MANY others have ZERO problems finding friends and meeting new people on Classic, we have far more of a social community than Retail where everything is handed to you with zero effort.
Wrong again, you are just part of a SMALL Vocal minority. You are nothing but an ant to Blizzard, no one is afraid of your threats to bring in Retail features.
The Classic Community is OUR Community and we will NOT allow you to turn OUR game into Retail.
He doesn’t have a link to a graph showing what he claims.
Unless it’s a graph of data he made up.
He’s been shown graphs made from Blizzards actually data quite clearly showing he is wrong.
All you get when that happens is either deny the source even though it shows it’s Bizzards own sub data, or avoid responding.
That’s how trolls react when they make bad claims and are shown data contradicting them.
I actually linked the graph on this thread MANY times, you people just don’t want to acknowledge it because it goes against everything you believe in.
That’s fine, all you’re doing is making our side stronger by proving to players that pro-RDF crowd are a bunch of spammers who provide no useful feedback.
Go ahead you can tell us what site you found these graphs on.
You don’t have to provide a link just tell us where to look.
That’s right you can’t because you are making this point up, over and over.
Plenty of people have shown you data showing you are wrong.
You just ignore it or say it’s not valid even when it says from Blizzards released sub numbers.
Funny, our side won while yours lost. I wonder who has the “alternative facts”, clearly can’t be us since we got the Devs on our side while all you have is a bunch of trolls.
This thread has over 2300 comments, I have posted the evidence MANY times with verifiable links that MANY people saw. It is NOT my job to educate the uneducated, if you can’t even do basic research then clearly you aren’t worth debating with.
Retail features. It was rolled out with ICC, and here you are wanting a different game. That’s fine. Cry for your different game. At least we know you are nothing more than a troll boy hiding behind his “RFD” lvl 10.
Quite obviously, we’re no small vocal minority. You just happen to allign with what inevitably those developers will see as failure.
Either they bring cross realm to classic, or it will eventually die. And gatekeepers like you (who are the minority) will be stuck wondering what happened.
I love this argument specifically because it’s predicated on the notion that the Devs never change their mind. Which if that were the case we wouldn’t even be here having this conversation.
I’m old, my play time is limited and im Lazy. Please put RDF in and even if its only on a single new realm, i’d start over on that one realm just to have it. - As a Married (hopefully staying married) Dad, I want RDF.
Funny, our side won while yours lost. I wonder who has the “alternative facts”, clearly can’t be us since we got the Devs on our side while all you have is a bunch of trolls.
And you’ve won what exactly? The award for the most obnoxious spam on the forums, and the occasional forced “holiday”. Here’s the one thing that you guys with your dreams of “community” really don’t get. Community is built not forced. The way you guys act it’s a wonder you can even get an invite to gnomer, much less make the rest of us like the game play you propose.
RETAIL Wrath is NOT the same thing as CLASSIC Wrath, our version will have NO RDF and we will become just as successful as the original.
I guarantee you, if you unsub right now and leave forever Wrath Classic WILL be successful. We do NOT need Cross Realm OR RDF, we’re doing JUST FINE with LFG Chat.
If they have a Season of Mastery for Wrath in a year or two, I don’t mind them putting RDF in there but no our main servers do NOT need it.
We did NOT want Retail features like RDF or Cross Server and lo and behold even the Devs granted us our wish as we are the MAJORITY and it aligns with the pillars of Classic to do so.
Not only did our side win, we will establish dominance by NEVER putting RDF back in the game and having you pro-RDF trolls go back to Retail where you belong so you can no longer threaten to ruin the Community WE built.
Same can be said for you as you didn’t look at a SINGLE graph I posted otherwise you would be on my side, you clearly have no evidence just like the rest of these pro-RDF trolls.
It’s almost impressive how much Rdf can say the same thing over and over and not get exhausted. I always wonder what forum trolls do for work. Is it like testing out keyboard and how many strokes it can take?