Idk what any of this has to do with my post but if this is the type of scum that RDF brings to our community then they can keep it out.
doesn’t matter if you like it or not, that’s now how that works lmao. you can hate it all you want, but if your post about it isn’t getting love, and all the other posts with the opposite opinions are, then you probably aren’t of the majority opinion. tough luck homie.
What doesn’t exist? The Retcons? Tbh, I’m just going off what other people has said. I also gave a list of things that are example what one of my friends whos into Lore gave me.
Not sure why you sound mad at me though? Unless I’m mis-reading. I was just trying to help based on what someone else said.
I don’t remember being mostly hate.
If it was so hated than Blizzard would’ve removed a long time and there would’ve been a huge drop off in terms of subs.
What does zoomer have anything to do with this? Some people just enjoy doing dungeons and nothing else its how they enjoyed WOTLK back then and its how they want to enjoy WOTLK today.
Retail has LFD but the game in general is trash and unfun to play class design sucks, gameplay sucks and etc, WOTLK was the perfect balance between old WoW and retail WoW it have the good ol Talent tree, the same old WoW leveling feels and retail QoL tools.
Big doubt about this one, boosting was a far bigger thing in classic that it ever was in retail since MoP.
I also played WoTLK and never heard a bad word about RDF other than it had a few issues the first few days.
No ones going to explain fights now. You see, you are talking about a time when RDF was fresh and new and the community was used to being a community. RDF over time created toxic addicts. Im sure you remember a time when every one smoked but realized that it may make you feel good for a short time, but ultimately leads to cancer. Same thing with RDF. Its called dopamine feedback loops, and every ones chasing them. To streamline something like that is like going from smoking to needles.
Lol ok, apparently none of this had anything to do with their decision as they removed it.
Riddle me this, if this many people wanted RDF then why is not in the game?
Kinda seems like you’re overinflating how many people want it.
They were going through the Activision merger and lost a lot of key devs, hence why they kept it. Our new Classic Dev will not repeat the same mistakes.
RDF was fine, what ruined it was the cross server nonsense.
When it was just on your local server, you could build a reputation, be recognized, and be held accountable.
It was plenty sociable when it first came out
I’m a paying customer too and the RDF isn’t a problem on single realms. Cross realm is a different story as then people have zero reason to interact. It was a good thing back in Wraths original day.
Additionally people hardly interact as it is, you advertise that you’re starting/looking for a group, people whisper you, then most of the time no further chat occurs anyway…
That was quite literally when the game was more popular than ever???
You realize they use late game patches for bug fixes and class balance right, not because they want a QOL tool added in ICC?
Because they want to differentiate classic from retail. RDF isn’t a feature either way - it’s a QOL tool. They added it in back in 2009 and had to constantly change the game to create new iterations of the feature because of glaring flaws like the inability to play with people cross server.
And you should. This game hasn’t been authentic to the classic experience since day 1 when it launched on 1.12. It’s hilarious to watch people make the dead authenticity argument after being completely silent on far larger changes they made such as boosting, FvF, megaservers etc. Choosing to pipe up about authenticity when it’s a QOL tool that came out along ICC is a joke.
And yet here we are. Classic was made for classic players and not retail players. If shadowlands was such a better game, why did they bother to make classic? It was to get the subs they lost back again. And that product is made for those subs, not for retail tourists that will demand retail 0.5 again.
Your Drunk Time to go Home
Ok here’s my take on this.
This exact same capacity of thinking is what ruined the original game socially and is what caused the community to beg for a relaunch of Classic to get away from the easy mode version of retail. Easy mode meaning standing in one place for hours on end and pushing one button to play the game. If this is what you need to be happy while playing then go back to retail. It already has ALL the creature comforts you so desire. There’s absolutely no reason to bring those comforts to Classic when they already exist in retail.
We do NOT need 2 similar retail games running side by side.
If Wrath is your favorite content then level a character to 80 in retail, turn off XP and use RFD to your little hearts content.
Also it’s hilarious seeing how some of you tell the OP he doesn’t speak for the majority all while saying yourself the majority wants RFD lmao.
Wrong I played back then and it led to mass unsubs when it initially came out, it was a terrible feature.
Wrong, you don’t know history apparently because every graph shows a sharp decline in players when RDF came out.
RDF can’t do basic math. He thinks 12 out of 25 months isn’t basically half.
Yes we want RDF. IF you dont want it don’t use it…
Clearly not enough people want RDF as they removed it, we are the silent majority and we do NOT want RDF.
shut up, I bet your one of those body type 1 or 2 freaks in real life.
I wasn’t the person you originally responded to and didn’t claim that. But either way, the logic of saying “people are LAZY and RDF wont stop them being lazy so let’s add a tool to let them be lazy and not be punished for it” is astounding. I can point you to people in this thread straight up admitting they want RDF because they can’t be bothered looking for groups and are being lazy.