Don’t let people make you defend your economic position it’s not worth it. Some people are weird and don’t seem to grasp the concept of the importance of a budget and budget gaming to those in low income brackets, or outside of the US. Part of WoW’s popularity -is- it’s subscription model that allows for a person to play a significant amount versus simply buying multiple games. The value is real but people that never had to live on a budget will never understand.
Oh, it’s all good, but I appreciate the thought, I just wanted to emphasize that WoW has been a rather costly hobby in recent times for me, so whenever I am not playing it while I have a sub running it just feels “wrong”, but I can understand that for someone making a decent wage in the US, 15$ really doesn’t seem like a lot.
Outside of the first Saturday after release I’ve barely touched the game. My wife and I have had 2 date nights even since then. Each toon takes an hour to level 70-80…
You pretending you don’t have enough time but have 5 80’s with 3 being raid-ready tells us you’re lying and tells us that you’re a as your attempt is incredibly similar to another. Touch grass.
I mean if all you do in your free time is play WoW, it doesn’t seem that sweaty to me.
I would have 3 raid ready 80s too if WoW was my free time, but it isn’t and this isn’t to knock the OP because they don’t really even have that much free time. It’s called relativity.
Also it takes like 1 day to get a tank raid ready and 1 day to get a healer raid ready lol. It ain’t that hard.
I’m saying getting 5 80s and 3 ready for raid didn’t take long and I e been bored for weeks now waiting for M+ and raids.
Sure I played a lot on Saturday August 24th but outside of that single day I’ve barely logged in.
No lol. I’ve been taking my kid to and from school, cooking every night except 2 date nights and 1 night we did take out. Also I only had one long session and that was Saturday the 24th.
Each 80 took less than 2 hours and gearing is incredibly fast. I think I got 4 of the 5 toons to 80 in my single long gaming session on the 24th. Outside of that day I’ve only played here and there.