Arugal - Yojamba merge

I think it’s about time for Blizzard to do the math on upgrading Arugal or Yojamba hardware and merging the two realms.

A lot of guilds and players have transferred to Arugal because the player base was lacking. Now it’s even worse.

Have a think Blue.


Merge please, so hard to fund a group


Yojamba now officially “low” pop on server list… its time to merge!
/who 80 doesn’t even hit the 50 person search cap!
17 people in Dal at peak on Friday night.


Arugal - Yojamba merge


Its weekend, Ive been logging in for half an hour only 30ppl in dalaran. Trade and LFG is quiet, merge plz


please merge , yojamba already dying cant even find ppl to do normal dungeon


Merge please

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Please merge!!!

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Arugal - Yojamba merge!!!


This merge is needed Yojamba is dead, like Blizzard should have noticed this coming and although the merge is needed it not going to happen. Why you ask, simple Blizzard are a company and need to make money, the business model has time and time again shown they don’t care about what players want and need. They figure that as long as they don’t merge or offer free transfers off servers people will keep forking out money to transfer off to a playable server. This is the sad truth so start saving your pennies so to speak so you can transfer of this dead server.

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Yojamba is now official LOW showing on the page of server log in! All my friends left the server and every bad experience for group forming or pug raids. That results in casual players all quit the game.
Why not act early before it’s too late?

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Bliz merge early before it’s too late. We need merge

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We need merge

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Yes, we need to merge the servers asap. Yojamba is completely dead, Blz is losing players who are not willing to pay for transfers.


Please Merge Yojamba and Arugal. As a student, it is out of the budget to xfer one toon, let alone alts. Most of the server has already transferred off leaving the few remaining to die on the streets of Dalaran.


Blizzard due to the low server population the experience of playing is low quality. You have a simple solution to insure continued subs.
Merge the servers!
Most of those that have the means to pay for a transfer already have. You have over milked this cow

My server is already 6 merged dead servers:

Anub’arak, Chromaggus, Crushridge, Garithos, Nathrezim, and Smolderthorn

It’s dead.

Combining servers isn’t the best solution. It’s janky and as long as those servers remain dead people are still incentivized to avoid them… because their still dead servers.

This just continues to get worse over time, with extra dead servers just conglomerating together over time, like a seeping wound that never fully clots.

Big differences, this is for OCE Classic… there are ONLY 2 pvp servers… one with high pop (can litterally browse multiple raid options off-peak at mid-day any given day) and one barren wasteland where it can take hours to do daily H+ at peak night time…

So allowing the dead server to join the very busy server is only option, as there is no more seeping possible…

Its purely a question of how long Bliz want to milk the transfer $$.

Free transfers now available from Yojambad, not announced anywhere that i can see… but available under Shop > Services only when on Yojamba. Tested with a few 80’s and all in progress… so not limited by looks of it…