Artifact Weapon - Worthless Now

I had a level 100 before the squish. That character had an artifact weapon which was, from what I remember, better than my heirloom ones at level 100.

After the squish, the artifact weapon for that character is like ilvl mid 30s and the heirloom weapon is mid-40s.

Some people say that the heirlooms are worthless, but in reality, the artifact weapons are worthless.

Help my old content isn’t top tier!



What are the iLvls of the relics in your artifact? The sum of those two (three at 45 or 50) plus the base iLvl of the artifact is what determines its power.

Welcome to borrowed power systems. Been gone long?


Gurthalak had no relevance toward player power in legion. The same time scale as artifacts have now with 9.0.

Yeah, they are all worthless… just go cap level and worry about that then. We aren’t in Legion anymore.

I just looked at my Ashbringer with three MWF relics and it’s ilvl 70.

For comparison, that is equivalent to about a level 49 blue item, meaning I would not have been able to replace it until hitting max level in BFA.

Yes, but when leveling from 100-110 prior to the squish, it was relevant and worthwhile.

Yup. ‘‘It was’’. It isn’t anymore.

100-110. How many hours of gameplay did that typically entail to you?

4 - 8 hours of leveling game play if I was lazy in my prot warrior.

Yeah, my disc staff on another priest that I just hit max on is ilvl 70. It’s still better than the weapons you get from doing the Nazjatar intro, lol.


I logged on my DK to test the new 2H frost, but as I was DW before, I did not have a good 2H yet, then I remember I had one 2H that I got from the starting quests of Nazjatar, and it is lv 60 now (before it was ilv 370 if I am not mistaken).

Then, for my surprise, I searched for my Maw of the Damned and it is ilv71 now. So I am using it for now.

The maximum ilevel of Artifact weapons with 2 Relic slots filled is 33 which is equivalent to Heirloom weapons at level 26. They really need to open the third Relic slot before level 50.

And here is my DK so you can check his armory and see I am not lying.

The Heirloom weapons scale to your level.

The artifact weapon scales with the relics slotted into the thing. Thing is, now the Artifact weapons are available as early as level 10. Their starting item level is a great deal lower, but its scales a lot more drastically via relics.

Before, since Legion was a late expansion, the itemlevel of the Artifact started already very high, and it wouldn’t scale nearly as much with the relics. Now, the Relics are critical to keeping the weapon up-to-date itemlevel-wise.

If your Artifact was better than your heirlooms before, but weaker now, that means it was coasting on its starting itemlevel and had weak relics. It can’t coast on its default stats anymore. Get better relics.

My demon hunter’s artifact weapon has a higher ilevel than her BFA weapons.

lol they were worthless the moment the BFA prepatch hit and legion ended.

Hasnt the weapon been nearly pointless since BFA began?
Seems like it was a shell of its former self pretty quickly after BFA prepatch hit.

I’m doing testing on the Artifacts.
They start at ilvl 20, obviously. Which would only be useful up to level 15.
However, you can get relics for them and the relics scale with your level.
At level 35, relics offer +12 item level and you have two slots avialable.
If your artifact is filled out at this point, it now is ilvl 44.
This is slightly higher than your current heirloom which is at ilvl 40.

None of this though, is important.
The real power of the artifact unlocks at level 45, which gives you the third slot.
At the same time, you should have access to legion world quests, which can provide you the ilvl 50 relics that empower your weapon by +16.
So by using the bigger relics you get a weapon that is just shy of uncanny combatant’s gear. (ilvl that used to be 400 and requires level 50.)