Artifact Weapon Off-Hand

Seems to be a bug (hopefully), I was able to transmog my off hand to the Doomhammer main hand up until this last update… it gave me the look of wielding 2 Doomhammers, now when I go to transmog it just changes it into the super lame energy axe or hammer.
It will not let me mog the off hand into anything else if I have the main hand mogged into the artifact weapon.
Anyone else have this issue, I am really hoping its just a mistake.

It has been reported as no longer working as far back as March of this year.

My Shaman is using Fury of the Stonemother for both of her weapons but she has been using that transmog for a long while now. So it seems that if you already had it done before it changed, then it will still hold the mog.



Unrelated but that’s a great mog Kyzera!

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Thank you!

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