Artifact Weapon "apply mog" restriction restoration

I recently leveled a shaman and noted that all spec-specific offhands (doomhammer elemental weapons, elemental and resto shaman shields) require you to be in the spec they originally represented in order to apply the appearance to a transmog set. This feels like a recurrence of the restriction, though obviously the mog persists through spec changes so you can use it on alt specs, but it makes unique sets for alternate specs much more frustrating to implement, and I don’t know what the value added is to re-restrict these offhands (fire mage offhands are also restricted from use by frost/arcane unless you mog while in fire)

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It is not only off-hands, it is all weapons. I have no idea why they re-restricted everything. I am Holy and cannot transmog my Prot artifact weapons. I could before.

My Holy Paladin was able to transmog Oathseeker without issue.

Have you done a full UI reset (as detailed in Support article linked below) to rule out a misbehaving addon or corrupted UI?

I just tested on my Elemental Shaman. She was able to transmog to both the main hand Enhancement & offhand Resto Artifacts.

This must be a bug. On my paladin, no issues with any off-spec transmog as before. On my shaman, I can’t transmog some of them. For example, in resto spec, I can mog the ele fist weapon, but not the shields. I can transmog some of the enhancement one hands, but not others. I don’t know why. My shaman was created after legion, my paladin was not. I tried acquiring the artifacts on my shaman but that didn’t change anything.