Nah it isnt.
Tauren doesnt get it has much due to not being “pretty” or whatever those idiots say.
Vulpera and Pandaren often suffer the same
Nah it isnt.
Tauren doesnt get it has much due to not being “pretty” or whatever those idiots say.
Vulpera and Pandaren often suffer the same
i race changed my ally warlock from DID to worgen. i’ve had panda alts. the only race with fur i haven’t gotten to max level is vulpera. i don’t make references to furred races that way except when i troll my wife about her vulpera army. barking up the wrong tree here, my dude. (that was totally on purpose though. XD)
Let Arthas kill her. Let’s be real. An “Arthas” redemption is just moving to Revendreth. It’s not much of a redemption at all, just righting a mistake by Uther.
An ironic death at the hands of her abuser/creator is awful, but its the closest thing to justice we can give for a person as awful to her core as Sylvanus. There’s literally no main character we have ever met in the history of Azeroth who has approached Sylvanus’s level of self serving evil. Not even Garrosh or the Jailer come close to her agenda.
I mean Arthas became that evil due to him picking the blade which stole his soul and twisted his mind in the process, so he isnt really evil to his core.
Sylvanas on the other hand… yeah.
Regardless him killing her again aint gonna happen, that would just be hilarious.
blizz has pretty much said everything evil arthas did is because arthas is evil. keep knighting someone who tried to commit actual genocide though.
After he picked the sword.
And while Stratholme was terrible, he didnt had a choice there.
you can try to rationalize it all you’d like. doesn’t change what the lore says.
The lore barely matters at this point after how much Blizzard retcons it lately…
Sylvanas being a prime example.
i don’t like how they’ve ruined sylvanas either. cuz she’s not who she used to be, anymore. but i can’t just decide to make her not who she’s become because i don’t like it, like yall do. he was evil. pure evil. it wasn’t just was 100% him. per lore.
Yeah after he lost his mind when Frostmourne stole his soul, he isnt being controlled, but he basically became a different person.
Just imagine a person who had all the good in them forcefully removed and only left the bad things, thats Arthas.
nope. they’ve said that his choices were his own and he was responsible for his actions. no amount of pretending that isn’t the case will change it. arthas was born a selfish evil jerk. he lived his life that way. he died that way.
He should be judged by the Arbiter properly. That’s it. He was specifically denied that. If he gets sent straight back to the Maw, whatever.
But, as the Accuser says “Anyone can be redeemed, if they want to be.” Those who get judged to go straight to the Maw are those who the Arbiter knows would never want to be redeemed, no matter how long it takes.
Arthas most likely would seek redemption since he isnt longer influenced by Frostmourne or the Helm of Domination.
He is like one of the best bad guys to ever exist in wows history
I feel like we should get half way through a redemption arc with him before he drops the bomb shell he wanted it that way and knew what was going to happen and the only thing he would change was losing
Then he could remain the best WoW baddy forever
As a horse owner, I would never ever consider running a horse in inclement weather. As a matter of fact, I rarely run my horse w me astride anyway
“Sorry I don’t buy it” bro blizzard confirmed it.
And Blizzard has been retconning the hell out of the lore lately.
How about neither of them deserve a redemption? Neither of them do.
You troll is weak, dude. Really, really weak. Like batting below .100.
Arthas was corrupted by a cursed blade.
Sylvanas pretty much had free will from the moment she broke free of Arthas.
Arthas never broke free of the Jailer’s grasp.
Not until his death, where he asks his father if it’s over.