Arthas - not Sylvanas - deserves the redemption arc

Doesnt change the fact that Frostmourne stealing his soul completely changed him.

While he was in control of his actions, he was no longer the same person since Frosmourne stoled any humanity he had


Doesnt Uther regret what he did to Arthas?

Pretty sure he said that in the kyrian campaign


Then that argument holds true for Sylvanas, Kel’Thuzad, every Forsaken and Death Knight character, and every other character that falls into the category of “changed soul”

It’s one or the other, you can’t have both.

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The thing with Arthas is that it was more close to a brainwash by Frostmourne

Not the same for the others, specially Sylvannas who even after freeing herself still decided to remain a monster.


But it wasn’t brainwashing, that’s precisely what Blizzard confirmed.

If Sylvanas is guilty of “choosing to remain a monster” after having her soul torn apart by Frostmourne, then Arthas is literally guilty of the exact same thing.


the main difference? arthas was team blue.

he’s directly responsible for killing and raising sylvanas. and torturing her until she went bat crap. these dudes though “she’s pure evil and it was all her own doing but arthas was just misunderstood and not evil at all”



I didnt meant in a literal way, but Arthas basically had his soul stolen which made him merciless, cold and insane due to having lost it.

With Sylvanas she retained her personality but her case was more about being tortured.

While both became monster, one decided by her free will to remain one, while the other didnt really had actual choice cause his will was twisted by the lack of his soul.


sylvanas had no choice in dying and being raised and tortured.

arthas knew very well the high cost he would pay doing what he did.

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Not really, he only knew the blade was cursed, not what it would actually do to him.

Sylvanas didnt had a choice in her fate, but she did had a choice in her actions after regaining her free will, and having no remorse for them, even her own people.

Or at least that wasnt the case until Blizzard completely butchered her character with retcons.


I was going to agree in general, but the more the OP posts, the less I do.

Nope, Arthas killed his horse because Arthas was being an arrogant @$$.

No. If Sylvanas can’t be redeemed, Arthas certainly can’t be redeemed. I’m not a fan of either one, but come on now.

Arthas killed most of the junkie elves and destroyed their junkie pool. He’s a hero in my book.
Sylvanas burned the greedy elves and destroyed their monument to greed. She’s a hero in my book.

Meh, he improved it post-mortem.

That was an accident which he greatly regretted, he REALLY loved that horse, to the point of rising it to be his mount once again and even getting consumed by rage if anyone dared to hurt Invicible

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He can, due to his case being more about him not truly being himself anymore due to having lost his soul

That isnt the case with Sylvanas which is fully in control of her actions

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“Arthas made choices along the way, and yes there was a dark power calling to him and all of that, but it was still very much choices that he made that led him along the path that he went.”

Oh please, those human paladins are a dime a dozen. I’ll buy you a new one if it bothers you so.


Again, Frostmourne changed him, losing his soul turned him into a completely different person.

This is even more obvious when he died, with Frostmourne being destroyed which released all the souls it had and the Helmet being away from him, he returned to his old self and was relief that the nightmare was over.

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you can headcanon all you’d like. but that’s not the lore. :slight_smile:

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