Arthas death scene as an allegory for WoW's fall

People have mentioned how the “no king rules forever” line fittingly applies to WoW’s current trajectory. But it seems that we could stretch the comparison with this scene a bit further. For example:

Arthas = WoW
Terenas (the previous King who Arthas killed) = Everquest

At first, it would seem that Bolvar is FF14. But I think this is shortsighted as I don’t expect FF14 to replace WoW, but it is definitely offering to, just like Tirion offered to replace Arthas. Bolvar could then be the next big thing like Riot’s upcoming MMO. Or even Ashes of Creation as they both have the fire rebirth theme.

That leaves:

The scourge (that must be controlled) = The MMO fan base
And the Jailer (or Ner’zhul) who corrupted Arthas = Activision

Kudos, you’re only the 50,000th redditor to make that link.


I’m not a redditor.

I would had thought since reddit is pseudo-intellectualism heaven.

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But you apparently are a redditor yourself.

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Truly insightful i have never ever not one single time since wrath of the lich king heard this truly amazing original and brilliant idea wow you’re so amazing a true thinker


ilvl - 237 did I strike a nerve bro

What lol /10

I said in the very first line of my post that other people have already made this comparison and I was taking it a step further. I was just pointing out that you are apparently one of the very few people who still enjoys and plays the game.

Ok lol and all I did was give you a complement on how truly insightful and deep thinking you are and how original in your thought process, truly the 8th wonder of the world

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I’ll take that as a yes to my prior question.

Woah you hopped on the bandwagon !! We are so shocked

“Allegory” someone just took his first philosophy class in college

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No, what you said just isn’t nearly as smart as you seemingly thought it was. Take your L and move on like an adult.

No one is forcing you to post in my thread. Only your feelings.

Thank, thank you for explaining the painfully obvious metaphor for us all.

It’s not a metaphor. It’s an allegory.

Huh…look at that, so it is.

Either way, thank you for pointing out what we all knew.

Seeing as cata and mop, and legion were all solid.

No, gonna go with a no on this conspiracy theory.

The timeline would be shifted. The Activision merger would’ve occurred when Arthas put on the Helm of Domination. And the end of Wrath would represent the current time.

Yes cata and so on were still good but Activision progressively poisoned WoW over years.