Arthas Alliance Reconnections

Anyone from arthas remember the Human roGUeGoDx message me


Also part of a guild with private server naxx experience, we are looking to do 1 day clears, under 1 hour per raid content. Message me if you are interested. We are playing alliance

Cornette from Kingdom here. Nice to see so many names from the old days coming back for classic.


Lothor/Lotharian (Paladin) from the guild MTD. Lookin to reconnect with anyone from MTD back in the day. Also playing with Xzen (Druid) and Avick (Priest) from the same guild.

Hey hey im from synergy back in the day on arthas. My main was a holy paladin - haltorn

I was Nov’s roommate back in college. I didn’t realize you guys were still playing. I’m pretty sure I have one of you as a bnet friend.

As for myself, I was one of the Warlocks in Ashen, anyone coming back for Classic?


Name: Bellaquita
Class: Paladin
Race: Human Female
Guild: Temperance

Coming back for WoW Classic and remembering the good old days…

Hit me up at: Narcohampon#1850

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Name: Aubreyzollar
Race/Class: NE Hunter
Guild(s): GM of High Elders, then went to Assault Force to raid MC, ultimately ended up in Ashen during vanilla from BWL on. Twinked in 19 then 29 brackets as a Dwarf Rogue named Jelloshot in RIOT.

I am still friends with a lot of the original Ashen people and we have raided together in some fashion in every expansion so far, although we called it quits pretty early into BFA. Now a lot of them are playing on a private server, but I have little kids now so I haven’t invested any time into that.

Was friends with Kagnos from Ret, Grumbar from Sold Out, PvP’ed for countless hours with Grand Marshal Jeromina helping her climb the ranks, ended up with alts in Nevermind and Hidden because Ashen didn’t allow alts, won the Ashjre’thul, Crossbow of Smiting in BWL from a Security run I pug’ed into causing Chicken to hate me forever. Good times.

Feels like a time warp man, 2019 and a new Rii album is about to come out and classic wow is about to be a thing.

Seejarvis#1558 if you wanna b-tag me!

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No, I did try to friend Ceej on Discord but he never replied. I am using vanillafriends to try to find people. Maybe he will answer you.

Ah, I see you are already there. Ceej is way in the back of the Arthas page. He listed his pally as well.

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Hey I remember you! Haha, need a classic home let me know man!

I remember you Billz. This is Reepicheep, haha we used to talk on Vent together. Me you Felandro and Nov, Venomblade and Trumpkin.

Also remember your brother Johnzy and dad Thibalex.

We will be playing again, alliance as well.


Yes of course! We haven’t really been playing lately but we are going to play classic big time.

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Yo Billz, are you coming back to Kingdom?

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  • Chitlin/Frogman/Palaedin/Levarburton

  • Human Paladin, Always

  • Twilight Sanctity/twinks/Security/Raiding Rainbow

Me and the boys want to raid crossroads, who else is in.


I do work next to Gilderoy but he said he has no interest in Classic. I also work with Fiream but again, he said he has not interest in Classic.

Whaaaaaaaat , hey guys! I’ve always wondered where you guys ended up!


Yea T! I can’t believe it, can we really bring Kingdom back? KB hasn’t answered my in game mail yet or my friend request.

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  • Terraburn
  • Dwarf hunter/Human DK
  • Twilight Sanctity/twinks/TG for 1 week/Raiding Rainbow/Lookin Cute Feelin Cute

Join the Discord server he has, a good many of us have gathered there!

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Billz, are you 1 million years old now??!?!?!

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Solrando here.

NE Warrior from good ole Nevermind / NvM.

Looking forward to making Waterboy /afk WSG some more.