What’s up Biggs!
is around the corner, on Faerlina. You can friend me at cheesewiz#1276 if you want to chum’on back with us. We’re all 30+ now, doing the semi-casual thing, probably two raid nights eventually. Battlegrounds, level 1 races across the barrens, whatever we want to do XD
What are you guys up to these days?
Haha yeah. I used to log on right after school since it was before prime time, then made sure to stay connected and keep from idling during dinner and breaks. If disconnected, had to wait a while.
I was pretty deep in the queue for character creation last week and it only took like 5 mins. I participated in the stress test a couple of weeks ago and that went fine too. I’m thinking and hoping those are good signs that their servers and everything have improved so the queue part isn’t as long this time around.
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Oh snap.
i was one of our Dwarf priest. Gimbly hahaha
sup! Not much. Most of SECURITY is either not playing or doing their own thing. I’ll be headed to Herod and playing Human Paladin.
Played as Synven(Pally) human female
TS --> Balance
Xen, please keep me in the loop on what you guys all decide. Y’alls decisions will likely determine what I decide to do for classic.
Can I connect with you guys on Discord or something?
Sure, I just talked with Fiream and he is indeed coming back.
We are still up in the air right now. We plan on going to Faerlina if nothing changes. So Dothan, Fiream, Rebelblitz, me and my sons are all locks. Gilderoy is still up in the air but I believe he will at least give it a go. I can’t speak for Gilderoy but the rest of us are going to stick together wherever that may be.
I’ll give you the discord info when I get home from work today.
What’s happenin’ Creech? Where are you headed to these days?
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Right on, right on. Out of curiosity, what do you think of the viability of a spell power holy shock paladin in vanilla? XD
What’s up Ashrah! Wich server are you going to play? Do you know if any other from WG is joining?
it is me im flattered you remember me by name
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Yo mang! Rollin alliance on Herod brotha. You should most DEFINITELY get in on this shiz mang. We got some of the top swingin d**ks from back in the day so it’s gonna be a nice smooth cruise through content.
yea preda… when you going to get with the program. Ps, didn’t we raid together in WOTLK?
Lenorae here (mage from AF) man I totally forgot about knuckles. Dude was hysterical.
Yo mang! LONG TIME! Yeah bro we’d LOVE to have you and Knuckles!!! Hit me up on Discord when you can. Me, Julian, Tim and Trophias are on atm. Gonna be SIIIIICK!!!
OMG!!! AUBREY!!! Just talked to swords, he said no… but I think we might be able to convince him… what server you guys going on?
This is thamedric btw, didn’t realize it was my twink who got linked…
Seems everyone in the world (of warcraft) is going Herod, and a bunch of OGs are raiding in NvM there. Hit me, or Enchantertim, or Julianbloom up! Tell Swords that Twoshot and Asher will be there. Trying to get Kimi back too, but no response yet.