Name droppin like wut???
Name: Forent
Class: Human Warrior
Guild: Ascended (For a little while)
Hmu if you remember me
I will mention it to Hal tomorrow when we figure out the plan. He wont be raiding in classic. Too much on his plate atm
Forent! I wondered if I’d see you in here! Outside of my real life friends, you were the first person I met in WoW, on your druid. We ran Deadmines on and then our group stayed together and adventured all the way over to Wailing Caverns to do that too. A few of us ended up leveling together for a bit, and you got me into Ascended - where I first killed Rag and started my raiding career. That guild first Rag kill was an awesome experience. I’m pretty sure I remember us running into each other and chatting a bit during Wrath or Cata because I came back to Arthas and you might’ve been horde?
That Deadmines to Wailing Cavern day was epic and early for me and I literally just told someone about it the other day when we were talking about how server communities and adventures were before LFG/LFR and all of that stuff. Funny to see you pop up a day or two later. Are you playing Horde or Alliance for classic?
Add me on battle net - Inavas#1745
Hey dude! I was in LNC too and your name is very familiar - and i knew Bal too! Not sure if you remember Eyara - NE druid, thats me The GM for Lowbie Newbie Campers was actually Waggles/Wiggles(?) NE hunter/dwarf priest. I think we split off into another guild or renamed LNC. I’m really hoping we find more peeps!!
so many memories here! hope everyone is well, its been a long 15 years
I commented above in reply to someone else, but if anyone else happens to remember me, please reach out! I’d love to catch up!!
Name: Eyara/Eyararawr/Chrissandra
NE druid/Gnome Warlock/Human Warrior
Guild: Lowbie Newbie Campers (eventually turned into another guild name i think but cant recall)
I knew characters named Balmora (NE hunter), Morgainna (NE warrior), Melania (human warlock), Waggles/Wiggles, etc.
I don’t remember too much, all i do know is that i had a lotttt of very fond childhood memories on this server and am SO excited for this to kick back up.
Hazael here, just a very old NE Rogue from way back when… if anyone still remembers.
Guilds: NvM, Sold Out, Santa Alianza.
Herod is the realm to be! Going off of this thread, you should see a handful of Sold Out Players + a revival of NvM from some of their players, and many other familiar names. I’m sure even more will pop up as time goes by. We’ll have to keep this thread active and keep an eye on the Arthas realm forum.
I remember you Valeska!
Grit the Orc Shaman here am I in the right place?
Hi I was an NE hunter named Skitt - I’ll be rolling on (A) Herod.
Skitt! Are you going to be huntering again?
I’ll be Priestin’ this time around
You have a guild yet? Anyone else coming back to play with you?
Biggs - Dwarf Warrior
Rude - NE Rogue
Hey all, pretty cool to see all these familiar names from back in the day
Raided with Kingdom a little, Divine Pirates, Blood Bath and Beyond, Fellowship of Numenore.
I plan on maining a pally, priest or dru this time around
I remember you from TheVindicate! A lot of us from Arthas are heading to Herod for Alliance. Hope to see you and some more TV players! I’ll be playing with NvM, as they’re looking to reform and play with old Arthas Alliance players. Its going to be a great time. See the post above and hit them up!
You’re not allowed back on Classic sorry bro.
So my son played on the original alpha & beta in the guild Synergy. His toon was a warlock named Chaotica. He had been a srs evercrack player til WoW came out. I’m curious if this is the original Synergy guild you speak of or the one that formed later. Would like to know if anyone remembers. Still playing on Arthas. Bebe
Hunters have mana again, all is right in the world (of warcraft) once more, common bro.
i remember you on a bunch of chars. add me jtb4488#1642