Remember those old green sets from Classic and BC that are solid colors? The game’s art has advanced so significantly that old armor sets are losing their luster. They look out of place when worn on modern WoW mounts.
Instead of replacing these armor sets - as some may be upset at their removal - could we have new low fantasy - basic solid color/material sets of plate, mail, leather, and cloth in future expansions?
We love high fantasy armor that is present on new raid gear - but some high res low fantasy armor would be great for the game!
Also - can we have updated human racial mounts - but with body armor like a skeletal warhorse? Would be coooool.
This is one of the reasons I wish they’d make at least armor textures in the game moddable. I’m sure there are plenty of people who’d upres the old vanilla textures for free…
I hope posting about it more will help it gain more traction. There was a wow redditor who was posting their own low fantasy takes on different races - which has invigorated me to post about this
One great thing about Lord of the Rings Online. The strict adhesion to lore and theme means no idiotic cricket bat swords or badly-parked spaceship shoulderpads.
It also means it can’t be influenced by cartoon baby fantasy which is so popular these days.
I think some of the quest gear from bfa and shadowlands fits this pretty well. It’s basic and simple, doesn’t really look flashy or over the top. I really loved the Kul Tiras leather quest gear, it felt very basic.
I do wish they would up res the basic armor from older expansions/vanilla, some of it does look cool but the res on it just makes me cringe a little every time I transmog it.
Well for me the problem with the bfa basic gear is it has anchors and stuff - at least alliance. Better would be the sets of old - plain gear with no emblems that can be used for more than just faction based transmog.
That’s fair. The basic horde quest gear is very…troll themed, so not really my cup of tea. But it does look like they’re trying to introduce more high res basic looking gear into the game. The shadowlands questing gear is all very basic as well, not a lot of flashy or dangly bits. I hope we get all the color variants of it I saw on wowhead, it would be amazing.
It would also be amazing if they redid the older gear to have more detail and be a higher res. I love some of the old stuff, but anything pre-WoD looks outdated.
I wouldn’t mind some updated versions of the older style of gear.
I remember when we used to joke about how oversized and ridiculous our shoulderpads were and I feel like Blizzard took that as a challenge to make them even more oversized and ridiculous.
I sometimes put together transmog sets that would look very nice if they had modern textures and pixel density. Instead, the items were designed back in 2004 and look very stretched and pixellated on most races.