Art or is it?

My local TV stations are running ads for a Van Gogh exhibit so I looked up his paintings just to remind myself. Haven’t really looked at them since high school. As I’m looking at these things, I start asking “why?” His famous one, Starry Night or whatever it’s called, is kind of…ugly. And it looks like something my kid would have done. So I start looking at his other stuff and to me the majority of it looks very childish.

I think this one is really cool:

And most of his self portraits are good:

But the other stuff like flowers in vases and his landscape stuff just look bad to me. I’m probably just an uncultured swine.

Anyways, do any of you have an artist that are super popular but you don’t get it?

Hmmm, popular artists that I don’t get.

I dunno, maybe Leonardo Da Vinci. Most of the Reinassance art I don’t get to be honest. It’s just naked people wrapped in flowers.

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Van Gogh is amazing! Those brush strokes!

Paul Klee. Not super popular but really like his work

i don’t get most art tbh. i seen some stupid things being claimed as “art” and yet was extremely dumb. like i believe one was a real banana just duct taped to the wall. another was an artists poop that he canned and sold to people and yes people did buy them. bunch more other dumb stuff like that as well.

ironically i guess i am an artist in general as i do work as a cook. however in terms of art we have it 2 ways. both visually and taste. they always will tell you that people eat with the eyes first but to me i call BS on that. why? i’ve eaten MANY… things that looked good yet when i ate them it was terrible or just subpar and didn’t even match the aesthetics. that is why the way i cook is more so the opposite. i go for taste first and then aesthetics. if the food isn’t good then why tf am i even in this industry is how i like to look at it.

where i currently work though it’s that way. food looks good but when they order it a lot of them are disappointed. doesn’t taste good because the chefs who make those dishes never taste their own food they just assume it’s good. i’ve been there done that trust me i’ve had a big ego in this industry before and i learned the hard way because of it.

Van Gogh has some good works. Starry Night is my favorite.
But my favorite artist of all is M.C. Escher

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Painted Portraits and Murals if I recall almost always has a muse to draw upon.

One can take a Screenshot from WoW or Guild Wars and make a painting that is a work of art.

I have Paintings based on Screenshots of Guild Wars Nightfall and they are beautiful works of Art especially due to things from other games added to the pictures(like Blood Tick, Mawfiend and Blood Elemental from WoW being added to GW Nightfall’s Depths of Madness along with the Red Skull Sun/Moon from GW Halloween or the Afflicted from GW Factions being added to GW Nightfall’s Domain of Pain).