Arsenal of the Lightforged


it has always been my greatest dream to be a beautiful lightforged draenei princess with an enormous, very long, glowing polearm.

when i first made this character, i made it just because i could, but after seeing the lightforged draenei npcs with the huge glowy polearms i actually knew that this was my destiny all along

i knew there was no way that this polearm wasnt in the game, the arsenal of the lightforged must have it, it just makes sense, so i began tirelessly creating the perfect transmog to go with this polearm, but once i finally went to look for it, i realized that this polearm is NOT OBTAINABLE BY PLAYERS

after already making this transmog, and not wanting to lose the shining hope of my destiny, i lied to myself. i said “well what if i just used a sword or some other polearm or somethin, thatd still be cool, right?”

but no “just use the sword” wasn’t enough, and now i sit here at level 120 on top of a throne of lies and false promises to myself, i often go to the vindicaar and stare at the draenei npcs massive rods of light, secretly wishing i could be them instead of me, and this feeling is killing me inside

blizzard, this polearm must be added to the game in the arsenal of lightforged, this crime, this injustice, can be abided no longer. this is hereby a 2 weeks notice to blizzard that if this polearm is not added to the game i will personally pilot the vindicaar and crash it into blizzard HQ

you have my demands, blizzard, your move

(also add the ranged weapons cause thats dumb too)


Yes. This weapon should be available to Lightforged Draenei…

In fact, it should be our Heritage Weapon usable for all weapon types…except Guns/Bows…that would be very confusing. Unless it shoots balls of Light from the tip…which would be amazing.


That looks like i giant Wand

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They really should add heritage weapons to the game. Most of them are already made too! And they look amazing. NPCs even use them. Tell them sharing is caring. :grin:


We’ll probably get heritage weapons as a “do the heritage grind again” reward in the future.

It’s just Odyn’s spear from ToV.


it needs to be my spear from my bags that i have in my hands

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I don’t disagree, it’s a model I’ve always wanted. I really like the lightning version. All I was saying is that it’s not really a Lightforged weapon. It’s a Titan-Vrykul-Halls of Valor weapon.

Look up Odyn’s Spear on Artstation and there is a picture of the model close up next to the lightning-charged version.