ARR, Mateys! The Plunderstorm Makes Landfall Once More!

Good luck on that. Hopefully you’ll make some decent headway.

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Yeah, I totally suck at pvp, but I’m real happy to have made enough to get the underwater mount; took me all of ten minutes! I do wish I wasn’t killed so much by much higher lvl players. I think that kinda stinks, but whatever. I feel it’s pretty easy to get the gear you want even if you die a lot.

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I’ll never understand why this even exists.

people who relentlessly hunt you down before you even have any plunder should walk the plank, i know its a pvp mode, and i know they have the right to do so, but that doesnt mean i have to like them

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That can be said about anything, why this why that? The answer? It exists to exist, just like everything else. :grin:

Because it was apparently popular enough last time to justify a return trip. Yeah, it’s not my thing either, but I won’t knock those who actually enjoy the mode.

Its blizzard trying to jump start an interest in their own battle royal.

Please add trios back!


Yarr, I be thinkin’ I’d have preferred some scalawag have spiked me grog with polonium than see this darken me doorstep again.

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Plunderstorm makes its return “Dozens pleased”

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Bring back Trios Now!

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I did. I even won 3 times. Wasn’t fun once the coins were gone. Yeah I could kill people but why bother? I wanted the rewards and striving to win was less coins per hour.

It’s not a good design when purposefully losing gets you rewards faster than winning

For the love of God, please don’t make me click away the Plunderstorm advertising popups every time i log in, it would be bad enough if it were once a week or once a day, but it’s every time i log in :imp:

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Terrible… just like the McRib its nauseating and made from garbage.

Decided to step into da Plunda n see how it is since i skipped last year’s but was concerned how long it would take to grind the loot (since my sub ends very very soon) n awesome it’s ultra fast n i got most the loot i wanted already with a minimal grind. Nice!

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OMG :black_heart::purple_heart: Ty again I’m in purple heaven right now that new croc land mount??! :woozy_face: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: Also WAY better experience this time around, don’t worry about the haters, I kind of feel sorry for them because they have to act like they don’t like the Plunderstorm rewards :woozy_face: :laughing: Tysvm :+1:t5::+1:t5: and again I’m looking forward to the next one. If you release a recolor on the TP or shop, make it pink/white colors for my Alphabet gang peeps :wink: and they can plunder hearts this year for LIA. But to the haters, just let go of the hate jump on Plunderstorm and earn the rewards, it really is beautiful stuff, that recolor parrot mount w/hat is way too pimp. :v:t5::v:t5:

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You’re dangerously close to having your emote using privileges revoked!

I’m not certain this is the appropriate reaction to being able to mount a basilisk …

The graphics for the end of game victory look like garbage now. Please change them back. Also, without the renown system, retention is about to be dookie. I already attained the few color changed rewards that I didn’t have and have no reason to continue going for #1. There should at least be a win counter or some kind of leaderboards, something to add value to the game mode.