[A/RP] Weekly RP Gatherings, Thurs 8 PM Server (EST) Time (Archived)

Sorry I missed this – it’s our guild Discord, but we’re cool with allies joining if they’re chill. Easiest way is Bnet me – Arialynn#1934.

okay, just sent it. it’s kurls if you are wondering who it is.

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Note that there will be no Boralus gathering tonight, everyone is going to the Court of Lion’s Hallow’s End party and you too are invited. :grinning:


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Looking forward to Thursday RP nights kicking back off once the Shadowlands dust settles!

Now that the initial expansion and holiday grind is over, and we’re feeling good in Shadowlands, nights are starting up again. Currently, we’re running a storyline with in-game events 8 PM EST Thursday nights and smaller sessions or writing prompts in-between.

It’s open to folks who want to collaborate. Would also love to know what other creatives are working on. To read thus far what’s going on, check out:


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