<Arnotts Assorted> 4/8H LOU Wed/Thurs Recruiting Ranged DPS and Healers

Arnotts A.ssorted is seeking biscuit lovers to round out our raid team for 11.1 and beyond.

As a guild, we consistently cleared AOTC from BFA S3 to DF S3 when most of the guild took a break. Now we’re back, reformed with many of our raiders from the original roster and looking for competent DPS and healers to achieve AOTC.

We’re a chill group of adults who enjoy killing bosses, banter, and the (not so) occasional key deplete. If you’re looking for a relaxed guild with good vibes, great people, and boss kills, come hang out with us!”

Raid Times: Wed/Thurs 7:30PM - 10PM ST until AOTC and then dropping to Wednesday full clear after AOTC.

Contact BNET: Kerkem#1401 | Procro#8194 | Haadesda#1174

or Discord: Kerkem | lukeprocro | Haadesda

Bump. Looking for more DPS and Healers

11.1 is here!!! Still need dps and healers

Raid in 5 days. Need healers!!!

Hello! I’m looking to get back into raid healing, admittedly have not done it in quite some time, but eager to learn again and do some M+, if yall will have me id love to give it a go with yall :slight_smile:

Looking for Mage and Warlock and 1 - 2 more healers.

Raid in less then 24hrs… Still looking for Mage / Warlock and 1 - 2 Healers.

Looking for mroe ranged DPS (Pref Mage) and 1-2 healers.

Mages / Warlocks / Healers where you at :smiley:

Still looking for more players to round out the roster for the remaining 4 bosses on heroic.

Ranged DPS


Bump As above