Arms+prot=mtn thane, fury+prot=gladiator, scrap colossus!

Mountain thane looks cool. Colossus is DOA, why are the devs so freakin adamant against the obvious and put in gladiator or blademaster. Make whirlwind great again with prot, fury allow 2h and shield which would modify how rampage or bloodthirst works. For example, rampaging with a shield equipped concusseses the target reducing their damage and dazes them.

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You want the dual-wielding berserker dwarf Hero class (Thane) to be Arms and a new ostensibly resourceful and versatile Hero class (Gladiator) to be Fury?

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Yeah I am going to agree with Altani here. I feel like a lot of these posts are summed up as. “But I like Arms more and Mountain Thane is cooler then what Arms got.” That might be a bit unfair of me, I don’t mean to insult but it’s really weird seeing people say Mountain Thane should be arms when it’s right were it belongs for the theme and fantasy they are trying to grab with it.


Why it gotta be dwarf yo.

How I’m gonna be an Mag’har Mountain Thane. That’s whackson!

How were Dwarves using Way of the Mok’Nathal? How will they become a Sentinel? How were Maghar using Windrunner’s Guidance? How will there be Tauran, Troll, and Kul Tiran Druids of the Claw?

A valid argument can be made that the concept of arms fits as a “thane”.

The definition of thane is a person granted land to be in charge of. They’re a pseudo nobleman. A bit feral or out of society but still a nobleman.

Arms is presented as a more noble warrior. In control of themselves and their environment.

That said. Slayer and Colossus are a little more directly applicable to the flavor of arms. Both reference overpowering force and violence. So though I think Thane fits arms (especially considering the thunderclap focus) I can see why they chose what they did.


iono but yer lore game is on fleek.

There are lightforged warlocks. Anyone who argues “but muh lore” at this point is silly.

It’s not “lore” so much as what else we already literally have been able, are able, and know that we will soon (per Hero Talents) be able to play in-game.

There is no issue with an orc imitating or reinventing for itself battle techniques similar to those iconic to a Mountain Thane, regardless of whether said Mountain Thanes were dwarves; their powers were not innate to, let alone unique to, their genes.

That being said,

Azeroth is its own world, with its own associations with certain terms. While we could likewise say that a knight, samurai, furusiyya, etc. is simply anyone who has received land in exchange in retainer to be called into combat on behalf of a hereditary governing power, each has likewise often had further associations.

And from what we know of the clans who lived atop the mountains and had “Thanes”… said thanes were no more “feral” or “out of society” than anyone else. People frequently going about bare-chested apart from their tattoos and armlets or feather crowns, etc., and never leaving the house without at least two weapons and a skinning knife was just the way of things, as opposed to that culture’s leaders or their landed retainers somehow being “feral” for doing the same.

  • For all we know, like “samurai” or what have you, “Thane” also associates a particular kind of upbringing, value-set, or iconic personality brought to the table, and from the named thanes we’ve seen, even those who later became kings, that seems likely to be the most all-in, decisive, and committed while still being decently long-sighted and reliable.

I’m literally leveling a Tauren warrior for colossus. That tree looks awesome!