hot damn arms is terrible at the moment is all i can say, they do like 1/2 the damage of every other class.
edit: yeah a ilvl 100 hunter’s aimed shot hits as hard as a colossus smash crit, great job all around at blizz HQ once again guys
hot damn arms is terrible at the moment is all i can say, they do like 1/2 the damage of every other class.
edit: yeah a ilvl 100 hunter’s aimed shot hits as hard as a colossus smash crit, great job all around at blizz HQ once again guys
No. It does not.
Man i felt like you addressed everything about arms i have been feeling myself. Arms warrior has been my favorite class/spec since i started playing 14 years ago and i am really excited for SL. I hope blizz reads your suggestions and takes them into consideration thank you Smexxin!!
Would Love if they made piercing howl cost rage and not be a cooldown.
I am curious to know what geared, competent Arms players are pulling in terms of single target DPS in arenas ATM.
Reverting the nerf to bloodthirst’s healing and giving us back Thirst for Battle would go a long way in giving Fury some much needed help. Really made the class “feel” great in BFA PvP despite being regarding as bottom tier.
Self healing and constant sustained damage (basically because you couldn’t get kited with thirst for battle) was the only reason taking Fury in PvP in BFA. Both of those things were severely nerfed so far.
Just because I like seeing people like you be proved wrong, I went ahead and leveled a Hunter and got it to ilvl 100. It helps to play the game if you want to be contrarian about it.
This is the hunter I did it on.
Hunter aimed shot:
Warrior crit:
I’m sure your huge brain can figure out which number is bigger.
imagine caring about the damage of colossus smash when the actual important part is the damage bonus it gives u
Because it’s your hardest hitting single ability. I’m comparing my Warrior’s hardest hitting ability with that of my Hunter’s. With Lord of War, which increases Colossus smash damage by 683 it should be hitting much harder than that.
maybe your warrior just isnt geared lmao, i crit 8k executes on people during my cooldowns 118 ilvl, 18 ilvls higher than my week old hunter
use avatar and youll probably hit harder
So your test to determine which is bigger, is to just hit a dummy…?
I had logs pulled up an everything over a week ago for this.
Here’s a quick and easy log to find of a colossus smash crit.
Here’s the absolute biggest aimed shot I can find at ilvl 100-102 range on wcl.
If you’re going to try and come off as aggressive, or act like you’ve outwitted me, at least do something better than the combat text in-game on a dummy.
I mean, Jesus Christ. That’s the jankiest thing I’ve ever seen.
No, it’s not.
ilvl means literally jack all.
Additionally, it’s not the spec that’s the problem in this case. It’s you. I don’t even know where to start.
Lol this guy pulls up raid logs in a PvP thread, and calls me misguided.
As opposed to hitting a dummy, yes.
Odd. The colossus smash only crit the training dummy for barely 3k? What are you doing to do such low damage?
I have seen my crits hit for about 11k before.
You tell me, my armory is posted above.
lol ^ I’m saving this one
Raw damage is raw damage, the fact my baby hunter hits harder than my warrior is sickening, whether or not you for some reason feel you’re correct after linking two characters with a 31 ilvl discrepancy, a green parsing warrior in a raid setting and a mythic clear no less, the fact still stands that warriors are dogsh*t in a PvP setting (and PvE apparently lmao).
Also how come you never post on your own Warrior?
All your said was,
with zero context beyond the hunter’s ilvl.
Everyone I’ve spoken to with even a shred of credibility states that arms looks to perform quite well in Shadowlands, in terms of PvP.
How did you come to this conclusion.
Are you truly so horrifically outdated that you think Item level is a truly important factor?
I checked out the armory. You have 2 trinkets that are not dps trinkets. Maybe that is why.
You do have the lord of War, which helps. I also think reason why mine crits so high, is partially due to the heart of essence that increases my crit damage by 25%
Either way, I feel my normal hits are usually around 5 k or above. Not sure why yours are pulling the numbers they are.