Arms/Fury Warrior PvP Feedback

Are you going to say something or not? You’re not a lawyer and this isn’t a court case. Make your point already.

I already said what I’ve said. Either debate me or don’t.

If they’re more or less equivalent without the healing debuff, that would seem to indicate that fury needs something to make up the difference in PvP.

I fully agree. Absolutely.

I just don’t think MS is it.


I have not been on beta so thank you for the feedback.

Fury was great in WoD with MS :joy:.

Okay? I never said fury wasn’t good in the short time that it did have MS. I was stating that fury has had plenty of seasons where it was good and did not have MS.

And it’s funny you mention that, because fury still wasn’t that crazy in WoD PvP.

I miss read my bad. What is your definition of “good”… What kind of PvP are you referring to? I can’t recall a time where Fury was ever A or S Tier in arena. Last I checked WOTLK/CATA/MoP/Legion never saw A or S tier competitive Fury Warriors… Maybe WOTLK due to the borrowed power of Shadowmourne? WoD was close due to MS… In BFA S1/S2 Fury was the most competitive it’s been in a very long time (Death Wish stacking/ aura cancelling), low versatility % of players and 3x CSHB contributed to this. Which expansion do you believe Fury was competitive? And what changes would you like to see to Fury? I take it you don’t want to see Fury have an MS again because it would be to similar to Arms? Adding an MS seems to be a good way ( for most people) to remedy our loss of TFB and the lack of % based DMG from our talent trees.

Just make fury have insane burst potential bam 50x better than it is now

I would like to see the SL Fury Warrior talent tree reverted back to the BFA talent tree. Remove Hamstring from Fury revert back to BFA Piercing Howl. Remove Battle Trance reduce the rage cost of Ignore Pain. Replace Raging Blow with WoD Wild Strike ( 15% MS ). Give Siege Breaker a knock back again. Make Wrecking Ball a baseline ability.

Mortal strike for fury should be a deal breaker. Click the arms specialist button if you want to pvp with mortal strike.

So Fury can’t have a mortal wounds, but… Rogue/Hunter/DH/WW can?

Technically locks could at one point with a destro pvp talent as well.
Fury needs more than as effect to have it be more viable.
It losong one of thr stro fest pvp tslsnts to removes snares really hurt it.

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Fury needs a way to compensate for the horrible SL talent tree changes and the loss of TFB.

Oh so the monk thinks he gets to tell us who should and shouldn’t have MS. Isn’t that just golden.

No. Giving fury what arms already has does not make sense. Fury has always been the more pve oriented role and giving them a boost in potential pvp content through utility will skew the spec in pve viability. Restore thirst and a burst increase in pvp and it will be in a stronger position. Utility is in the arms spec for pvp.

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There is absolutely no justification for making one DPS spec a PvE spec and the other a PvP spec. Absolutely none. No other class has this design goal and you would be hard pressed to convince me that it was intented.


This is objectively false.

I will give the same response as before. Leigh. Oh. Nevermind. Scratch that. I have decided to actually waste 10 minutes of my life and do a bit of research on you. That is your favorite line to quote to people. What about my statement makes it objectively false. There is bias in all of these arguments of where we want the development of the warrior class to go.

Arms warrior is just synonymous with PVP as far as I can personally remember. I am speaking of arena teams and instanced rated PVP.

Every search I did in the Cataclysm era all seem to state that arms always pulled ahead in ranked PVP. The same types of threads pop up if you do searches in MOP, WOD, and Cataclysm. Seems Legion is the only outlier.

No there is not. But I enjoy how fury plays right now. I have at least some faith that Blizzard will bring fury in line to be one of the stronger melee options as it has repeatedly and hopes it retains its current place which is that of a selfish berserker that can sustain itself defensively and offensively. I want it to have high burst and healing during the burst part of its rotation but not provide the utility of an arms warrior.

If the spec is pve oriented, it should inherently always be superior in PvE, and arms should therefore inherently always be superior in PvP.

Neither of these are true.

I will give you one point. There were times that arms was both superior in PVP and PVE. But that is the norm for the warrior class for most of wow’s life. Ever since Titans Grasp in WOTLK has fury been considered stronger in pve and weaker in pvp. Even when fury had a watered down version of mortal strike.