Eh. Notice the part where I said right now? Even on PTR it is still the most powerful defensive trinket for a fury warrior. Be nice if you would refrain from being toxic. Stranger calling me dumb is the least effective way to have a discussion
I would honestly rather have a baseline charge stun than have a baseline stormbolt, charge stun was incredible at preventing cc from landing on your team, it might be a little overkill with everything arms is already getting, overall I think warrior is going to be a top 2-3 melee in pvp and I’m super excited to have all of the old utility back.
This is not true
Not even close
1v1s show nothing for a specs viability in arena
Luckily there are many ways to pvp. Arms is your competitive spec for group oriented gameplay. Fury is good for lone wolf and bg gameplay.
Generally when people talk about a spec’s PvP performance they’re not taking world PvP or 1v1 into account.
When you make a blanket statement like “fury is the tankiest melee in the game” you should qualify it by pointing out you’re solely talking about world PvP. Even then I might disagree with you, but the statement appears less ridiculous in the included context.
You can disagree with me all you want. It is still shown in those videos the durability and self healing the spec has. Fury is not a group oriented build and does not have the utility that an arms warrior bring because of how durable the spec is. Give it more utility or more damage and see its cleave damage and self healing go down as a result of balancing in pve.
If you think Fury is durable in arenas you clearly are playing a different game than I am.
right now pvp is so hot in bfa, when we are talking about shadowlands. fury has very little utility. and its not unreasonable that people want their spec to be viable, people play specs not classes.
I would love to agree with you. I love being only one or two specs but the last time I played even in upper tier content I was required by my guild to master all soecs. Similar with warrior and fury. If you want to do more then bgs and world pvp you will have to play nice with arms. Warrior should not have both specs be strong for pvp.
Okay, make Fury better than Arms then, would you be happy? 0/10 Logic.
What’s your opinion on all 3 mage specs being good? Or 2 of rogues? Or both DK specs?
The whole “we only want one pvp spec” was a Ghostcrawler philosophy that’s long and gone.
Uhm. Fire is hands down the king for mages in bfa. Rmp and jungle do have assassin and sub respectively. Since I’m not talking about them or have no interest in those classes I have no opinion. My opinion is based on how I’m happy with how fury plays on beta and ptr. I intend to main fury and protection so that is what I’m focused on.
Fury is viewed as the pve class. I have no confidence that blizzard will give fury a boost without nerfing its self sustained even more. I am not against tuning numbers to give fury a niche for sustained to medium burst phases.
Nice post!
Fury seems horrible on beta. Why they gutted the talent tree I will never understand.
Great post, Smexxin. I agree with you whole heartedly.
I would love to see fury gain some PvP viability. I’m not sure how some of the people above think that only one spec should be good in rated pvp. Shouldn’t the goal be to have every spec at least viable and in the meta somewhere for competitive arena and RBGs? Imagine how fun it could be if fury and arms were both good in arena for different utilities, with how different they play from each other. No one is asking for warrior to have two S tier specs, but I think this concept that not every spec should be at least represented in rated PvP doesn’t work for the design of the modern game. Even if they miss the balance goal, they should be TRYING to get every spec somewhere in the meta, in my opinion. The more specs that are viable, the better the game will be.
I feel some of the PvP talents that make fury harder to kite than arms are solid, we just need more utility somewhere. Overall I’m excited to PvP as a warrior in SL, but I do think we could use more improvements to our gameplay yet.
Here’s an idea: why not bring back Throwdown from previous iterations of the game as a PvP talent for fury? I know it used to be an arms talent but fury needs help, and it would basically be a kidney shot with warrior flavor. It wouldn’t affect PvE, but maybe it would give fury that CC boost it needs?
Jungle isn’t played with a rogue. Stop posting things about stuff you don’t have a clue about.
I am hoping we can be civil so please do not troll me. People can miss speak and make mistakes. I do not flame people and I am civil to those civil to me. I will post in threads that I have an interest even if it upsets you.