Arms warrior suddenly op?

Just did a SS at 2.3k and had an arms warrior. I was suprised at first then he just did more dmg than my ret every round, mind you i was top 10 ret in SS last week so i dont think im bad at it, and thats with arms warrior ms and sharpen on top of it and the defensiveness of a tank. Wtf am i doing as a paladin when that thing just does theoretically double my dmg because lf sharpen and ms ?

Just run away from the warrior and he can’t do damage


I have seen frost mages of all specs eating demolish after demolish.

Just walk out of it :crazy_face:

It is a low elo stomper spec, it has nothing going for it besides that.

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just line the grip bro
just run away from the warrior and he cant do damage bro
just ___

im taking bids on #3, whos in?


You say its low elo stomper but it was played at 2600mmr in 3s last night???

And they are the r1 team now


Arms isn’t a free kill anyone and everyone is losing their minds


People like to dismiss the “meme” talents. But if it works it works, regardless of the puritanical views of those complaining about how the game should be played, and what’s “meta” according to the streamers.

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I did a shuffle last night, and got caught off guard by those demolish crits. That and survival hunters hitting for way more than I’m used to.

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Warriors will get btr @ getting it off over time then it’ll get raged about and nerfed. I give it 3 weeks, maybe 4 for holiday

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Their damage isn’t bugged now so they can do all their damage now instead of just some.

“Is arms war suddenly op?” As our damage is actually fixed.

Meanwhile mm still 1shots, frost mage uncontested against everything, ferals dots ticking for 500k

yeah thats the problem with warriors, blizz just gives them damage when they are not good, and when warriors can do top dps alot of other classes are in trouble sadly

Saul is rank number 1 because Saul is the GOAT. They were winning with windwalker ele and windwalker is a trash spec. Enhance is good now so the comp is good, but warrior is still mediocre at best.

Because the class is the most mechanically limited class in the game, it needs a complete rework.

Well, they should have called slayer ‘blade master’ and given you wc3 windwalk with batched white swing MS crits at vanilla levels of damage. but they didnt.

now the only option is to increase your damage until you’re broken and then nerf it.

And the results say… that was a lie.