All numbers are simplified for easy calculation purposes. We estimate the average player in this post would have 30k hp. I thought about this design on a 2 hour hike so bare with me. I feel as if arms can be clunky sometimes and we leave abilities like slam, It would be nice to have all abilities feel like they do damage and not just Overpower, Mortal strike, rinse and repeat.
I would love to see Arms warriors not have as many burst windows or major cooldowns. Only one major offensive cooldown being Bladestorm. Arms should be a strong sustained dps class with no waiting on cds.
New Mastery: Seasoned Warrior. Your critical strike chance and damage increased by 10% your critical strikes apply deep wounds dealing 35% of the damage you deal stacking up to a maximum of 2500 damage over 6 seconds. (More mastery and gear increases the maximum damage, we donât want another ignite from Naxxramas in classic) we want arms to crit and crit hard
Overpower will no longer grant dmg increase to Mortal strike, to compensate we buff Mortal strike.
Level 1 Warriors start with Quick Strike instead of slam
Quick Strike: deals 300 damage costs 10 rage
Mortal Strike: deals 1k damage
8 second cd costs 30 rage
Overpower deals 650 damage. Overpower also grants 8% increased damage done for 6 seconds. You can have up to two buffs of overpower at a time they do not reset the duration of the buff.
Level 15 warriors get slam
Slam: deals 987 damage and has a 1.5 second cast time castable while moving costs 20 rage
Slam of old talent choice node 1:(placeholder name): Slam is now instant but deals 600 damage costs 20 rage
Talent choice node 2: Mortal Prowess: Mortal strike reduces the cast time of Slam by .75. Instant if Mortal strike Crits
Talent choice node 1: Crushing assault: your abilities have a chance to make Slam instant and have a 100% crit chance
Talent choice node 2: Slaughter of the lams: Mortal strike increases Slam crit chance by 30% and crit damage by 15% stacking up to 3 times. When Slam crits the stacks are removed
Tactician: your Mortal strike critical strikes guarantee crushing assault
Your Mortal strike crit grants 3 stacks of slaughter of the lam
Mortal Combo: your Mortal strike has a 20% (30% if it crits) chance to strike a second time at 65% effectiveness
Choice-node 1 Tactical combatinant: if your Mortal combo doesnât activate after three strikes of Mortal strike, your next Mortal strike is guaranteed at 100% effectiveness and also crits.
Choice node 2: Mortal combatinant: your combo strikes now has a 15% (25% if crits) but strikes a third time for 45% effectiveness
Improved Overpower. Overpower now also increases your critical strike chance of Mortal strike by 15%
Overwhelming power: your Overpower has a 65% increase chance to crit
Talent: Trauma: when slam critically strikes it deals 35% of the damage over 6 seconds healing you for 120% of the bleed damage.
Defensive choice node 1: Ignore Pain: you ignore up 50% of the damage done to you up to 40% of your maximum health 6 second cd costs 40 rage.
Defensive choice node 2:Thrill of the fight: your bleeds heal you for 150% of the damage they do (not including trauma) your Mortal strike heals you for 5% of your maximum health (10% if it crits).
Improved defenses: your ignore pain now ignores 75% of the damage for 60% of your maximum health but has a 12 second cd.
Mortal strike also activates second win for 3 seconds.
Second Wind. When stunned or rooted you instantly heal for 10% of your maximum health and heal for 5% of your health every second until the effect wares off, or 4 seconds after breaking the effect.
Avatar: is redesigned for utility. Avatar breaks all Cc and roots, making you immune to all Cc and roots for 6 seconds.
Choice node 1: Prolonged Avatar: when Avatar fades you gain prolonged Avatar causing you to take 10% less damage and reduce Cc and snares on you by 75% for 6 seconds.
Choice node 2: Warrior instincts: when you use Avatar you use ignore pain at full effectiveness. Causing you to ignore 100% of the damage incoming up to a maximum of 60% of your hp.
Bladestorm: bladestorm now instantly deals 1500 damage then every .5 seconds deals 900 damage for 4 seconds.
Choice node 1: increases the duration of bladestorm by 2 seconds
Choice node 2: bladestorm increases movement speed by 20% stacking up to 3 times for 6 seconds after bladestorms ends.
Choice node 3: when bladestorm ends you activate whirl of destruction
Whirlwind deals 120 damage to all enemies
Talent: whirling rampage: your whirlwind now has a 12 second cd but deals 3500 damage.
Talent choice: whirlwind damage and cooldown reduced by 50% (1750 damage on a 6 second cd)
Whirl of destruction: causes your next whirlwind to not incur a cooldown
Colossus smash redesigned: you smash the ground with brute strength dealing 2300 damage to all enemies in a cone shape 5 yards in front of you. Increasing your chance to critically strike them by 10% for 6 seconds
Anger management: Your Slam, Overpower, rend, and whirlwind reduce the cooldown of Mortal strike by 1.5 seconds (2 seconds if they crit) Mortal strike reduces the cooldown of overpower by 1.5 seconds (3 seconds if it crits)