Macros to swap between 2h and 1h/shield (+ignore pain since it’s probably needed if swapping) for Arms, feels a little clunky, but it works. Not very complicated, but perhaps a foreign concept for newer warriors. If anyone has a better method please share, thanks.
Brief clip and macros below:
/cast ignore pain
#showtooltip colossus smash
/stopmacro [channeling]
/cast colossus smash
is there a point in having shield slam/block bound?
if you’re switching to a 1h and shield it’s because you’re in trouble from other melee, so blocking is important. when switching you lose access to mortal strike, and shield slam hits slightly harder than slam, while costing 0 rage. so it adds a lot of key binds, with everything involved but if you want to maximize your defensive play as arms then i would say it’s necessary to bind everything.
shield block is less dmg reduc than ignore pain isnt it tho? and just have your healer heal you unironically + save 4(?) bind spots
block doesn’t just stop damage. It prevents abilities from landing eg: gouge, if gouge is blocked you don’t get incapped. While Ignore pain might be more beneficial as a purely defensive allocation of rage there’s absolutely times where you want to be blocking to deny debuffs etc.
as for specific’s im not entirely sure for a full list of what block stops. like you probably can’t block a disarm.
As for shield slam, it generates rage. Idk if it’s worth but it’s 30? rage for 1 global.
Not sure if you’re trolling but ignore pain + shield block = more mitigation than just ignore pain alone, if you’re in big trouble why not maximize mitigation until things stabalize? … Also healers can be cc’d or kicked, they can’t always just heal through everything at all times, so this is sort of an emergency scenario. Arms self-sustain/defensives have been an issue, they gave us buttons back, you can choose to use the buttons or not use the buttons, that’s up to you.
Also, if you want to be more specific for some reason, idk if this problem needs specific macros these days, but the “equip to specific slot” for mainhand offhand for macros is
/equipslot 16 (mainhand)
/equipslot 17 (offhand)
Do you have an arms warrior macro to buy a lvl 60 boost of a better class?
Good feedback, that would be how Fury warriors would need to macro it, but let’s be honest, ain’t no Fury warrior got time fo dat
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Well when I was playing my DH alt last season I got a lot of hate whispers in 2s, and it hurt my feelings so I’m just playing war now to ignore the pain…
played warrior on and off since classic and idk how i feel about weap swap macros returning. Like it’s cool to have additional complexity and wep swap really makes a difference between a good warrior and a bad warrior. I just hate how clunky swapping is in this game.
I remember in cata there was a bug if you swapped to your 1h/shield you couldn’t swap back to your 2h for the rest of the match LOL.
Switching to a shield puts adds a gcd which is kinda weird. Not sure if intended or…