Arms warrior buff (wheres it at?)

Welcome to the ARMs needs a buff thread. I’m ur host Elvo

thank you to the buff you did for 2handed warriors in general that was great. but there was still no buff to push arms. and making Arm the 2handed spec would be awesome as it doesnt do much in PVP

To every one about to post just go fury, my distaste for you is immense

We have two rune slots that could be used to help arms a lot in PVE.

  • the hand rune (now you did buff this and ty, but i will still use WW rather then this cause it does more damage and it still hits like a noodle)
  • FIXED, the back rune (well done here great job!!!)
  • mortal strike (this is the thing that really needs some upgrade)

There’s an easy fix here to balance arms without buffing fury and that is to gate the improvements behind the mortal strike ability.

i accept that with out something to match death withs fury will always win on short fights. but i think arms warriors should get some attention and love that they have never received before please