Arms V Fury

I boosted a Warrior and after like 3 days I’m at 422 and 62 neck. EZ-PZ.

I’m wondering which spec, Fury or Arms is better for 2s?
I don’t have a dedicated healer so I’m working with PUGs. Does Fury work better if I’m forced into double DPS? And what partners work best?
I know at one point this expansion, BM Hunter was good with Warrior.

In world PVP Fury seems to be far superior. I just have so many heals it seems like.

Thank you in advance!


I have not done a lot of pvp… but I always feel better doing it as fury… for some reason I cant really get the feel for arms… I did during legion… but that was mostly because of all the self heals >.<

However… if I heard correctly Blizo is the top warrior pvper… and the only warrior to have made it in the blizzcon arena tournament… but I could be mistaken there

At this point in the expansion i find furys burst isnt cutting it as much as people’s health pools have drastically increased while damage hasnt really followed suite. Arms has a much easier time cutting through people and its pretty much T1 in arena right now if youre good. Fury has great solo survivability so if youre healer is having trouble you can keep yourself relatively healthy and lower stress for your healer.

Keep in mind arms has to focus a little more on positioning and fighting through slows as your wont have access to the honor talent that removes snares with bloodthirst. If youre going arms try for high verse/haste and grab a bloodspore tanking trinket from underrot. Thank me later.


How did you do that? I need help with gearing quickly like that!

Benthic gear. Bought it on one toon and xferred it to another. Luckily I boosted on a day when there was a pearl daily, so got like 40 pearls and boosted some pieces. Neck was very easy. Just do the quests for the neck. The catch-up mechanic was great for it and Conquest points.
Capping your conq. bar gives you a 415 piece.
I capped about 6 times in a few days.

With an ilvl there you can get into some 5-6 keys. Then just go up from there.


Awesome thanks!

You can get six conquest rewards in one week? How does that work?

… you can xfer benthic? I ended up spending so much trying to get good Benthic rolls while i have like 400 spare pearls on my main. Oof.

You can xfer benthic BEFORE you activate the item

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Conquest is a weekly cap…

There is a catch up mechanic that allows you to acquire conquest for every week of the current PvP season until you reach same item as the rest of PvP participants.

Week 1 you could obtain a weapon after 500 conquest. Week 2 you could obtain a shoulder (?) for 500 conquest. So at the start of the season if you were a week late to cap, you could obtain 1000 conquest points to earn your weapon and your shoulder. Then you would be at the same level (conquest acquisition) as everyone else.


Not when you’re catching up. Trust me. I’ve been gearing with conquest points for 2 weeks. Catching up a week’s worth of points in a day or less. Then turn it in and it resets. Unless you’re on the current week, you can reset once you’ve purchased your gear for that bar.

We’re currently on week 21 of the season. Until you hit 21 bars, you can keep filling.
I’ve been doing it for a week.

And to answer the Benthic question, if you have pearls you can transfer the tokens to any toon.
So, buy a ton of tokens on a main and transfer to your alts.

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I know you can straight up send the item that turns into a piece of soul bound armor but is there a token that is account bound to upgrade existing benthic armor?

Getting 385 pieces in every benthic slot isn’t hard but then the character has to go farm a ton of pearls to uograde it beyond that, right?

Both are good but Arms comes out on top if you’ve got a good healer. MS is a must have and the insane pressure you can put out on the enemy team is nuts. Spread Rend, get big Bladestorms, and bleed their team to death. Arms also has Banner, which Fury does not, and DStance, which Fury does not.