Arms really isn't that bad

Your damage is fine, in low keys, where after BS ends mobs are in execute range. Do you see the problem yet.

Damage is fine 10-17, I’d rather have utility, if you’re doing over +20 keys, then tough luck, they’d need to buff warriors there, which would make them overpowered for lower keys, do you see the relations here? If you have a suggestion on how to buff them for high keys, while not making them broken on lower, feel free to share.

Balance does not matter for low keys. They’re low keys. An idiot could complete keys below 15.

DPS warriors are timing 24s. So…

It’s like talking to a child that has a serious problem with superiority complex.

like 5% of playerbase plays 20+ keys, if you’re going to blatantly ignore anything under 20 and buff warriors and make them OP sub 20, you’ll have bunch of people crying how they’re op, then they’ll get nerfed to ground and become next fire mages, asking for fix for months, or years.


In PvP maybe, in PvE it’s pretty bad, under arms warrior which you claim to be bad.

Fire has been a good to great spec for years, consistently ahead of arms. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

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That’s why I see so many fire mages in m+, oh wait… 90% frost, 10% arcane.

Fire is objectively better than arms. More used, more successful. More damage, more utility, more mobility, everything.

0.3% fire, 20.6% frost, thanks for point that out.

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And 0% arms?!


I really fell in love with arms during legion so it hurts me to say this but these are the facts. At the higher end (412 equipped) with bis traits for all 3 specs, in my humble opinion, arms is significantly the worst choice for mythic+. I think everyone here understands prot is the best at the moment as far as warriors are concerned, but for dps, at this gear level, fury can consistently pump damage with or without its cooldowns being up and the self healing is just outstanding. Arms has its moments that last a few seconds and then your a mushroom. This doesn’t cut it in timed content when you need to push the pace.


Now this is also untrue, arguably as unture as that moron above us. Affliction and sub are objectively worse, and fdk, feral, enhancement, destro, survival, mm, and arcane are all slightly above, below, or even with arms.

I meant from your 3 choices as a warrior, not compared to other classes.


Top dps warrior has about an even split of timed 22s and 23s. I haven’t heard of any timing a 24.

I don’t think this changes your argument or its merit, but I think its important to accurately cite the ceiling to dps warrior progression atm.

There is no relation to be seen. Warriors are no more broken on lower keys relative to their upper key performance than anyone else. I sell low keys partnering with every class imaginable, we all are ‘broken’ on low keys because they’re easy, but the relative performances are still the same they are at higher keys. Other classes are still ‘better’ at low keys, though it doesn’t really matter. Everything dies fast, nothing hits hard, so it doesn’t really matter what you bring.

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Angry to be faced with truth, nothing wrong with arms dmg-wise, you’re just playing poorly with it. Utility is their only savior, damage will make them so powerful they’ll get nerfed harder.

Provide anything to prove what you’re saying. Literally one scrap of evidence, a link, anything at all.

Not going to lie, Deswind was going to be trying some 24s when I spoke to him a few days ago in Skyhold, figured he’d have timed them.

My proof is playing it myself, did some +16 freehold with 3 mins left on time, and a +17 shrine with a min left, that’s enough for me to know it’s viable, as I’m not the best player around and I’m capable of timing that with an arms warrior. We can drag this on forever, but honestly I don’t give 2 squats if arms gets buffed, it’s like an improvement to what’s already good for me.