Arms needs a rework

Forgive the copy paste from the warrior forums but:

I’m not saying Arms feels ‘bad’ rn but it currently feels ‘lost’ as in it doesn’t know what it is rn; it feels clunky & tbh not too fun. It feels like the devs don’t know what they want to do with the spec more specifically in PvP.

Some off the top of the head suggestions:

  • Torments are heavy nerfed for Arms, meanwhile Fury’s are still very much good. Change Arms’ Torment to reduce CD of csmash like it does for Prot’s thunderclap or have proc avatar when csmash is used/proc warbreaker when avatar is used.

  • Fury & Arms now overlap too heavily ; at this point they’re almost the same spec.

  • Arms is too ‘bleed’ based, go back to being based on chunky MS/execute damage I don’t think any warrior wants Arms to be using abilities like skullsplitter.

  • Bring back Csmash resets for tactician, specifically in PvP having MS either do very little damage or very high damage (crits; more mods) feels bad. Csmash being part of the rotation while having warbreaker as a separate cd felt much better than overpower stacking.

  • Get rid of csmash/warbreaker choice node & just make warbreaker a separate talent. Have anger management reduce the cd of bladestorm/ravager & warbreaker only.

  • OP shouldn’t buff MS damage, just make it do good damage overall & bring back shattered defenses from legion artifact when using csmash.

  • Make the PvP talent, ‘Warbanner’ a part of the Arms tree & reduce it’s cd; 1 min 30 second Warbanner is pretty garbage bring it down to a minute/45 seconds.

  • Bring back vigilance from WoD & Overwatch PvP talent, gave the class a little bit of a skill cap having to use intervene to try to stop goes etc; I know this is probably a controversial opinion but whatever.

  • Abilities like Legion’s Echo Slam should be part of Arms’ tree (Csmash damage mod not necessarily the percent damage).