Arms Mastery Rework

Anyone feel like arms needs a mastery change? Or a change in identity?

It feels like an odd combo of bleed and heavy burst without really excelling at either.


The spec drastically needs a rework. It hobbles along right now with lots of old borrowed powers and tier bonus duct taped to it. There are a few threads already going into depth on this.


Arms in dire need of a rework for exactly this reason. Devs don’t have a clue on what the identity/niche of this spec is supposed to be. If I wanted a bleed focused spec I’d play feral or assassination. Arms is basically the walmart version of those specs right now.


Seems like maybe they do, because as far back as vanilla arms has always been the occasional chunky hit with a reasonable helping of bleeds on the side.

I’m all for a rework though. It would be nice to see the concept of a master of arms actually reflected in the gameplay / animations.


The mastery used to be a huge bleed and they switched to a small bleed with a damage amp component.

Honestly I’d love to have a huge bleed mastery but I really like dots. Not sure why.

But it’s an all or nothing. I either want a big dot or just get rid of it and make our mastery something else.

It actually makes balance easier for the devs though. You want to increase the pve consistent damage of warrior? Buff the dot. You want to increase pvp burst buff execute and mortal strike.

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I suppose that is true to a certain extent. I wish MS didn’t require so many modifiers for it to actually chunk.

Arms could be such a cool spec again if they just tuned some things. IMO nothing should amp MS other than modifiers like CS or avatar. The overpower, and execute stacking MS buff feels bad imo.

Realized I wasn’t on my warrior when posting the original Thread.

I think demolish is cool and adds to the chunk factor that a lot of people wanted arms to have previously, though it does have its own problems. (really should be able to move, at least in a slowed state). But I still stand by my original post and replies.

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In order to change arms’ mastery you must first give it another form of self heal since the deep wounds dot heals the player for the damage it deals if talented to do so. Impending victory alone is not enough.

Arms mastery should be armor penetration or something like.

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It would be a nightmare for pvp is the problem.

But since deep wounds gives you a damage amp it has the same effect as armor pen.

It’s fine.

I liked arms more in df though, more enjoyable.

But the mastery itself is fine.

The mastery is boring, since it’s effectively the same as Fury. However, Arms doesn’t stack it due to scaling rage with haste and crit, and not inherently getting a lot of haste like Fury.

I miss when bleeds scaled with haste, too.

The Arms mastery itself is fine, it’s basically a hoop to jump through for a damage amp that every single spec has a variation of, it’s also in a much better state than it was in previous iterations such as legion’s CS/MS/Exe dmg amp which was useless in any AoE situation and made you have to build a second set of gear for M+ (This is a bad thing, they’ve fixed other specs with this issue like SV).

BFA’s Mega Deep Wounds hid a lot of the skill expression in gameplay due to how overbearing it was having your damage profile be something like 60~70% of your throughput on meters regardless of how you played so the only way to really gauge if it was being played correctly or not was how much raw damage you were dealing since a well played Arms warrior especially with haste corruptions would do a decent amount of damage both in m+ and in raid however it was denigrated to a spec that played itself because loldeepwounds.

The main issue for Arms for the most part only stems from the class tree, the spec tree as it is right now plays well enough for both hero talent builds in allowing for clear and concise ST and AoE priorities without divulging it into a boring spam of the same buttons because everything cleaves no questions asked in the more modern spec design of pruning dedicated AoE abilities.

TLDR: Every single mastery is boring, masteries that do not benefit you in both ST and AoE are also bad for the spec since it requires multiple gearsets to be collected.

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There are cool masteries like enhance and elemental mastery.

I agree. I really like the enhancement one.
Even the Ret mastery has an additional effect it does now.

I think deep wounds mastery would be fine if it did more than just a brainless bleed/ increase X damage.

Would love to see an added component to it.

But there are also worse masteries out there like outlaw rogue >_<

Armor Penetration.

Mastery really doesn’t need anything else added to it, secondary damage procs that some specs have in addition to a flat damage portion are just overloading what mastery is really meant to be a 3rd stat to be in parity with crit/haste.

Crit = Sometimes hit harder.
Haste = Hit faster
So by extension Mastery = Always hit harder if meeting X condition just goes in the same direction, sure we’ve also got Vers which = Hit harder, get hit less harder which is in all honesty a Tank stat first and foremost in it’s initial addition was to replace Dodge/parry on gear to simplify gearing up between roles.

Yes I’m aware certain specs that have little to no interaction with haste gobble up vers like there’s no tomorrow, but that’s a failure in the development department due to poor spec design.

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Our current mastery is effectively armor pen. It’s a damage amp.

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Yup, buts its a bleeeeeeeeed, I just want raw ArP like it was in wotlk. That to this day is still the funnest stat I ever experienced as a Warrior.

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If they gave a bonus like your crit damage is increased by a substantial % amount based on the bleeds you have on the target, of which mastery impacts — Then I’d say it’d weigh out to feeling a lot better, but it’d have to be noticeable.

That being said, I don’t think tooooo much needs to change for arms personally, however I can understand the desire for it.