Arms Mastery Change: Please Reconsider

They reworked Deep Wounds for Shadowlands, so it does barely any damage at all and is basically the Arms version of Enrage, but you have a pathetic DoT instead of a fat haste buff for your damage damage modifier. If not for Mortal Strike applying the DoT, we’d just spam Condemn permanently when it was up.

The only Arms design I’ve played worse than the current is the WoD version, which was basically nonfunctional until T18.


Feral hasn’t been a DoT class since MoP. 50% of their damage comes from Ferocious Bite. Autos and shreds account for another 20%… Assassination Rogue is the only bleed spec available now.

If anything, we can just takeaway that Blizzard doesn’t want damage over time classes to actually operate in their Action game.