Arms Mastery Change Appreciation

Just throwing out there the appreciation, thank you for the change blizzard!


I don’t get the hate towards Deep Wounds. Isn’t just passive bonus damage like almost every other DPS mastery which doesn’t do anything except increase numbers while doing the exact same thing?


other dps mastery arent their top damage skill which to balance around makes our button presses a lot less impactful instead of the mastery complimenting our damage it dominates it


I’ve tried to explain this before, let’s go again

a passive bleed, with no interaction whatsoever, is absent of agency

arms warrior is not needed as a bleed spec, we have assassination and feral for stuff like that, it’s their wheelhouse

we are the train full of trucks, without breaks and going full speed

that’s my perspective anyway

edit cause that’s a bit vague: a spec that leans into it’s gcd doesn’t feel the tick of bleeds the same way a spec that’s designed around them would

and why design arms to be a bleed spec when we have other fantasies that suit it better


But that’s only because it’s a seperate ability on the logs. Hand of Light for Ret was seperate and was like second or third on their damage. Now that the damage of their abilities includes the mastery no one even notices it exists.

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again 2nd or 3rd not first arms has 4 dps buttons and very little group utility id like those buttons to feel good when i press them


YES!!! Thank goodness they are bringing real warriors back. They have been missed and hiding behind this terrible bleed spec. Thank goodness it’s gone and hopefully they never make this mistake again.

I’m sorry are warriors cats and a bleed spec? No they aren’t! Deep wounds ruins the class and made them not warriors anymore. No one wants warriors to be bleed specs they want them to do big bursty scary damage. To be a meat cleaver of big crits. That is what warrior gameplay is about!

Deep wounds should be minor dmg and their 5th or 6th dmg on details. That is good design.


Firstly, thanks Blizzard for these AMAZING and LONG AWAITED changes to warrior specs. Deep wounds was deeply flawed and a fun-breaking, identity-ruining mechanic. These changes look fantastic and will be deeply appreciated.

Single Handed Fury is a fantastic change as well that I simply cannot WAIT to try out for a number of reasons too great to write down.

Thank you for (all) these changes, it feels fantastic to see Blizzard listening to user feedback and acting in a way that is, to me, exactly what we needed and asked for.
I feel like negative comments especially on the SL thread are not properly reflecting what the general population of warriors asked for and needed based on oh-so-many forum threads and personal experience. I hope the impact of these comments should be mitigated now that such a great change has been made to the class that looks honestly amazing.



I don’t know why some of you don’t want the bleed . In pvp I love having the bleed so them damn rogues and alliance Druids can’t vanish or shadow stealth and reset the fight .

I’m happy they’re keeping the bleed and making its damage scale off weapon damage and mastery buffs the damage % buff of your other abilities.


The issue most who didn’t like the old mastery had with the old mastery was that balancing it required that a large portion of our damage was shifted from the front end (in terms of active abilities), to the backend, (in terms of a DoT effect.) This affected the gameplay of the spec and made it unsatisfying for many. The change blizzard has implemented addresses this.


The new masters is an uninspired flat damage boost, are you happy?
Also your cleave/aoe are gutted drastically.
A new mastery is welcome, but not the proposed one.


Deep wounds has been around for a loooong time, we’re ok with having a bleed we’re simply not ok with it being so damn powerful and having such a tremendous shift in damage output making you feel like you’re hitting the enemy with a lvl 60 sword while the bleed does the work (i’m exaggerating but you get the idea). It’s a matter of gameplay, not numbers.
Anyways, this is an appreciation thread and since Blizzard has fixed the issue and made arms more “explosive” again as it was and should be let’s all rejoice and smile :smiley:


when i mortal strike or execute someone i want to see a big chunky number not a baby number then have a bleed tick between button presses


Yes! :smiley: Most masteries are a flat damage boost (sometimes with a twist like proximity) and work very well because it does not limit your playstyle.

Really ? Where ? There is no evidence of this, and no way to compare this yet. Even if this were true, which again I don’t believe it is, I am willing to bet that warriors will be very comfortable aoe-wise this expansion unless the numbers and heavily undertuned which would be easily fixed.

I was not that hyped about my favourite class for Shadowlands and have deeply resented BfA gameplay-wise, let’s all remain cautious but these changes look really really good in every sense.


did you read the same post everyone else did ?

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The new mastery is closer to a “secondary stat”, as it should be. Sure, it is a pretty simple one with a lack a flavor, but it still is a secondary stat, it shouldn’t have such an impact on the feeling of the class.

A flat damage boost means people can deal more bursting damage, and that makes more sense. You’re a warrior, not a stabby cutty shiv-in-the-guts rogue, your entire class fantasy should be about using that huge sword of yours to destroy the armor and body of your opponent, not just aiming at an artery to inflict bleeding.

I believe people who were ok with the previous mastery will be ok with the new one, and those who despised the old one are probably happier with this one. Sure, might not be perfect, but it fits.

On the AOE note, I think we can’t really say right now wether it’s been gutted drastically or not, this is a tuning issue, not a class design one.

PS: Thanks Blizzard for listening to the community !


The difference is the gap between Deep Wounds and the next highest ability, where Hand of Light for paladins wasn’t a 40% difference.

Templar’s Verdict would be a better argument. But I feel no sympathy for them for that, their TVs hit well over 100k now.

Yeah, no rets, DHs, or warlocks are getting any sympathy from me.


I love the mastery change.

I haven’t thought about it too much, but what if Defensive Stance was a baseline ability, that maybe also allowed you to use shield block and shield slam without having to equip a shield? I mainly have PvP in mind with this change. It would also not make an “equipslot” macro mandatory if you wanted to use shield block mid fight.


You mean you want a short cooldown that provides a modest amount of defensive power, possibly at the cost of some Rage so that it’s balanced against your other defensive options? Good news! Arms and Fury are already getting Ignore Pain in SL. Reports so far are highly positive, especially for Arms.


I just saw the mastery changes… not sure why I missed this. I don’t know how I feel yet. I want to say this is a good step.