Arms doesnt feel good to play (PVE)

Well its not a bleed spec, so its not a surprise it doesn’t play like a bleed spec. Its the same way Destro Warlocks have dots but aren’t a Dot Spec.


Yea I don’t get this complaint, arms warrior is 80%+ direct damage, and at this point rend and deep wounds are just as much a part of arms as mortal strike is. Like rend has existed since classic, but dots are just not a part of arms? Come on it’s ridiculous

Mortal strike already crits for like 6 millions, how much harder does it need to hit exactly?

I think it’s better to focus on actually important things, like making warbreaker baseline so it doesn’t fight with blunt instruments, or at least not make it a choice node

i think i’d just like to have a few more buttons (maybe 1 more gcd and 1 more cd), take sweeping strikes off the gcd, have some way of making slam turn into heroic strike or something

It needs to split the sun in half with 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 dmg. Repeating of course.

I’ve always thought arms should be a combo style spec with like a primer/detonator type of setup.

Big hits and constant pressure.

Like preservation Evoker has combo setup and can blow big burst of healing through stasis. Maybe that’s just silly.