Actually I’ve been using Critcake’s new build with Massacare and Warlord’s torment for M+. Loses a bit of AoE power when you don’t have Avatar rolling due to not have EB, but honestly has a very smooth rage economy without Skyfury.
Honestly I don’t see the loss worth the slightly better rage gen for 6s during Avatar, then also the loss of battlelord which further helps keep you more consistent with rage generation, but doesn’t exactly help the chain Cleave procs that will starve you if you’re blessed with RNG resets.
I can see a torment (Most likely the cleave one) being a staple potentially in builds next season when we get the additional point to play with in the final rung where we’ll be able to funnel into both Roar follow ups, Avatar and then one of the torments or foregoing the torments entirely and 45s roar for a 90s build with Spear’s Crit dmg amp.
Too bad is colossus… personally i don’t like it.
still i hope Blizz will give a buff to EB or merge EB and Battlelord and make bonus sets less dependant on Overpower and more on MS, rn i dunno the warr feels without identity, maybe im too noob with warr but thats how i feel the spec.
This thread is basically,
“If any button I press on Arms Warrior doesn’t feel like I’m trying to break the bat by hitting a home run, I don’t want to be pressing that button.”
And frankly, I get it. Annihilating enemies with “baseball-bat-shattering-swings” is basically the dopamine hit folks wanna play Arms for. That’s “fantasy forward”. Get rid of all the bleed stuff, just make big hits bigger, even if they occur less often.
Then by that logic the same gameplay but with more ‘heavy’ animations with a slower wind up at the start of the swing animation into a faster strike on the second half of the animation would give just that exact same dopamine of “guy with big sword” as it would create a more enticing visual flow.
See Cloud’s animation set in FF7R, his big hits tend to have that wind up with his buster sword while also swinging it around like it’s a feather for some of the lighter multiple hit sequences.
Arms already hits big, it can’t really hit much bigger without there being massive balance issues as already shown with the silly amount of negative PvP modifiers to it’s talents that have been in place for multiple expansions in a row.
But they can give it unique animations that differentiate it by showcasing it’s martial prowess when it comes to being a master of Arms.
Are six million mortal strike crits not big enough? Honest to god question.
to do that u have to buff it, doesnt it?
i mean, 2 Overpower stacks, 2 stacks of execute, (bonus set if possible), slayer talent after Bladestorm, beg rng to be crit after the 3rd MS Bladestorm does its procs.
also it has to be crit, right? unless u are talkin about PTR?
EDIT: forgot CS and Avatar too, lol
Colossus. And only with two attacks of EP in execute range.
Oh no! If only crit was out best stat and you wanted to stack it anyway.
Now that I’m done with sarcasm, I honestly IDK what you expect. Do you all want to roll around having one big button and than have literally the rest of your damage be wet noodles?
No class in the game just get to press a button and do a bazillion damage. Ret Paladins have to judgement + CDs, Mages have to build icicles for glacial spike, and so and so on. If you want that kind of gameplay where there’s no setup classic is over there.
dafuq? why so aggresive?
and who said something about having only one big hit button.
The point is that while u do ALL OF that i did mention other specs already have completed their priority skills and the mob probably won’t last until you hit your “big button” aka main skill (thats why Blizzard buffed MS and Cleave and nerfed bleeding) but it is still not enough, u have to spend a lot of things to throw your main button damage while other specs do not.
shamans: stack to 8~10 maelstrom, boom spend on bolts.
rogues: eating combo points to throw something cool to press
ferals: combo points + bleeds on target
w. destro: every X souls you shot Chaos
and so on…
you can do that, but have to be colossus, and as i see not many people like to use it. They do it bc of damage output and meta stuff but not bc they “like it” (what OP says)…
slayer is a mess, you focus bleed? well, get screwed when u are in execute phase bc u cant pick the talents bc those 3 points went into Bloodborne and Thunderous words (4 if u pick skullsplitter) u focus on Button Smash? here either choose ST or AoE but u cant have both(neither balance between them like every other class in the game).
And this brings me to one ugly point that affects warrior more than other class and it was the very same problem rogue had in the majority of Dragonflight: half of your damage depends on class tree and not in spec tree. Class tree should be selection nodes where you choose utility vs survivability (and this is my opinion, probably wrong idk… but it is what i see).
You’re always going to have people being more vocal if they don’t like something than when they like it. I can assure you there are definitely people who like and or prefer Colossus over Slayer in terms of gameplay loop in the differences they provide when playing. Both fit slightly different types of preferences and provide some unique areas where either pulls ahead of the other which is a good thing and the whole aim of hero talents in giving slight variations to playstyles to meet more people’s expectations on how a spec should play.
Sorry what? The Bleed / Execute centric talents are in entirely different rungs of the tree and you path through both in a full ST set-up. What are you even trying to get across?
The difference between picking up ST or AoE focused talents is basically exchanging SkS (which isn’t all that much of a loss) to pickup Cleave. Then an optional point taken out of bloodborn for Exhilarating Blows for points where the reset is more valuable than a little more passive bleed damage in a raid build, for keys it’s a little different since you path through more 3rd rung burst options that give you a lot more damage over the course of the key.
It really is not that large of a loss anymore than it used to be and there are still hybrid options that bring solid ST while being full AoE focused.
I can agree with this that we’re definitely overloaded with throughput talent nodes in our class tree which needs a solid rework to allow for a lot more build diversity which they could fix temporarily by making Crushing Force and Reinforced Plates 1 point investments as opposed to 2 points like they are projected for next patch.
I don’t have much hope that arms will see any significant changes in TWW. It’s going to continue to be a clunky spec with bad synergy that outputs ok numbers.
Arms doesnt feel good to play (PVP) either
I’m sorry you’ve caught my ire, but its the same thing every time. People complain about arms, they use vague language that doesn’t describe their issues with their with the spec (and are sometimes just flat out wrong), and than wonder why nothing has changed or why Blizzard doesn’t do anything. Its so incredibly frustrating, especially when the gameplay really only has a couple of legitimate issues.
If you’re playing Colossus, yes there is a wind up time, however the trade off of the wind up time is that you have consistent Strong AoE Damage on every pull, plus we get big numbers via Demolish. Its not everyone’s cup of tea, but I certainly enjoy it and have plenty of success in Mythic Plus with it.
If things are dying before you can setup your damage as colossus you just play Slayer instead. If you’re playing Slayer (or ST Colossus) its the same amount of buttons as a Ret Paladin’s burst. Avatar > CS > Thunderous Roar > Bladestorm (Ret is Divine Toll > Final Reckoning/Execute Sentence > Wake of Ashes > Hammer of Light).
Its literally the same amount of GCDs as other classes.
This isn’t even a correct statement. Bloodbourne is catching the smallest nerf possible that wouldn’t have offset the buffs we’re receiving to Mortal Strike and Cleave. What is more important change with 11.0 is Martial Prowess (Overpower multiplier) being nerfed. The importance of this isn’t to have less setup, but to make talents like Battle Lord and Exhilarating Blows (two talents that Slayer is anemic to) more attractive for a more active playstyle, so when those resets occur your follow up attack isn’t completely a wet noodle.
I got two Colossus arms warriors right now. This Worgen who’s running haste and my Dracthyr warrior Rahne - Elune who is running crit. Honestly both have a good feel but watching the high crits on my Dracthyr feels so good to watch. While the haste on my Worgen makes arms just feel smooth. I really couldn’t say which I like better so I’ll just play with both for now.
Honestly, I think reverting arms back to Df would be a pretty major improvement.
Aside ravager, that’s the best thing that came out of tww arms spec tree.
Then I want the S3 DF tier set back and we’ll see from there how it goes.
I don’t get this bleed complaint instead, arms damage is like 80% direct hits that do pretty massive damage. The bleed damage component is honestly not that major
Also removing execute from might was a colossally stupid idea.
why stop there, lets revert arms back to mop
I think most people agree legion was a good design for arms.
I don’t remember what arms was like in MOP, probably because I was Blood DK back then.
Imo, it was Legion who ruined arms design to what it is now, we just got degradation in each exp.
I think i got to play the end of Legion, so maye i wrong, but i was sure it was when mortal strike start consuming rage, instead of generating
A slot machine that didn’t scale at all in pve.
for me its the moment to moment gameplay not feeling exactly exciting or interesting, we have other melee bleed specs that do it in a more fun and exciting way. it just feels very uninspired and without any passion put into it