Arms and Fury for a returning player

Hello everyone. So I just returned to WoW after a long break and thinking of going warrior. Which spec of warrior is more fun for you nowadays? Arms or fury? thanks

s3 i like arms a lot more, s4 around 40 60, slightly in favor of fury thanks to ravager, and the loss of sudden death aoe proc on arms. I do not like bladestorm.

ok thanks. I am trying fury for now while leveling

For leveling arms is probably a bit better, at least at low lvl until you can get the whirlwind cleave talent.

Try a bit of both, both are fine for leveling.

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Yes. I notice fury does not have aoe at low lvl haha. I remember before on my old blood elf warrior that if we use WW that our next few single target skill also hits other targets. But at the moment I do not have it.

I mean Fury is my favorite spec, it usually losses out to arms but I don’t care. Fun is fun, thats what I am here to have. That said, I enjoy arms on occasion, it is certainly easier on your wrists.

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For leveling, prot and arms will be better until later levels. Fury picks up steam when you get into the ww talents and just start chain pulling groups.

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