Hi! Just reporting that the armory doesn’t track Tectus kills correctly at the moment. Example: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/proudmoore/kenerek/pve/raids
Hi! Just reporting that the armory doesn’t track Tectus kills correctly at the moment. Example: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/proudmoore/kenerek/pve/raids
Also having this issue. Any reason why killing Tectus on LFR won’t give me credit worldofwarcraft.com when I search my character?
I am also experiencing this issue with Tectus on LFR.
Greetings all,
This is a known issue for us.
At this time we do not have a estimate on when it may be resolved. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Thank you, I just noticed this now and I would be grateful to see it fixed! TY for all your hard work!
Hey Maguthul, since it never gets blue replies, can we also get visibility into Ulduar not being tracked properly, either? I ran that probably 100 times for the mount and no credit ever lol. Dragon Soul LFR wasn’t tracking properly, but I guess their solution for that one was to just remove it from Armory lmao.
It would be amazing if this gets resolved. For completionists it’s a big annoyance having raids cleared in all difficulties BUT tectus…
The solution is to remove LFR in Armory except for the current expansion. The fact that you can’t do LFR anymore in old raids is probably why you can’t fix the bug. Just something to think about.
You are able to solo que for all the old LFRs by speaking to certain NPCs.
Also having this issue! I have 11 kills when checking stats in game, but shows 0 on the website in the Dungeons & Raids tab.
Having this issue with Tectus and most of the bosses in Ulduar, even though I’ve cleared both raids multiple times.
It seems like this issue has been resolved! I now have an LFR Tectus Kill on armory!
This has not been resolved for me. I have 100% raid progress on everything pre-shadowlands (other than some mythic bosses) and seeing Highmaul at 6/7 on raid finder (with 6+ kills on every other boss) hurts my soul.
It seems to have finally been resolved, at least for me, too.
I had to re-run LFR Tectus, but now the kill shows up on my armory profile!