Armory not updating appearance

I’ve followed the basic steps to fix this as well as deleted my folder info. Nothing seems to fix this. My main still has the appearance from a couple weeks ago.


It’s been happening for awhile now, so bumping at least one of these threads as a daily reminder to Blizz to please fix it.


Ya my thing still shows me as a highmountain tauren with a ugly transmog :sob:

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I’ve done all the suggested steps as well. Still not updating.

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Same problem here, despite being a level 60 undead warlock my character appears to be a zandalari troll shaman in the armory.

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I got a reply from a GM saying they’re aware of the issue and are looking into it.

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You can add me to the list aswell. Awesome, hopefully it gets fixed soon. Its been a minor annoyance to me lol.

Same Issue. I transferred 5 of my characters at least a week and half ago and none of them come up on the armory expect my Rogue, which even then isn’t all the way updated because it shows a Vulpera in starter gear when my Rogue is an Orc. Websites etc that people use for tracking and looking up characters (like Drustvar, Check PvP etc) rely on the armory to work. I understand if it takes a day or 2, but my character don’t even show up after this long. So frustrating.

dozen threads on the topic, no one at blizzard cares

Where would I find the suggested steps to fix it? Sorry to be lazy, I’ve gotten really tired of this issue.
I’ve even noticed the name of the correct transmog actually shows up but the appearance in the image is wrong.

Omg I think they might have started to finally fix it, my character updated, well kind of, his mog updated to an earlier version of my current mog before I got some new pieces.

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Lucky you. None of mine have changed from a black silhouette.

I race changed my character weeks ago at this point and the armory is still showing my old race. Lets get this fixed please blizz

The steps aren’t that advanced. Its basically just be sure to log into the game for ten minutes then wait.

My character finally updated mogs, but I can’t tell if its fixed or just takes a long time now.

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Just an update, but I see the armory has updated Fair, but that it’s not showing in the current forum avatar. Tried logging out, no joy. But it seems something is progressing…

Actually, now that I look on the Armory from my phone, it’s not up to date like the non mobile armory, if there is even a difference

Have done this multiple times. Still not working.

it happening again! My tmogs are not updating!!

same here my appearance is not updating.

Reporting the same here, tmog is not updating.

The armory will not show my character on the website. I can see stats and equipment, but my character picture isn’t there