Armory guild roster sorting recently broken

For example, when you try to view a guild’s roster by ilvl or achievement points on the armory as opposed to the default guild rank, the site does not respond or change at all. You can see the URL change, but not the contents of the page. If you reload after selecting the proper tab, only then does it display the dropdown you’ve selected.

Same thing happens with the other dropdowns filtering by class and role (the square does not highlight in the checkbox, but you do see the URL change) and contents change on reload.

This also occurs with the descending and ascending sorting of name, race, class, role AND changing page numbers at the bottom of the list.

I have this issue on both mobile and desktop (usually using Chrome or Safari on iMac or iPhone).

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I’m noticed a lot of this not working with the guild roster through the Armory, like being displayed the same roster data on different pages. I have to hit “reload page” every time I click on a new page.