Whenever I click on someone to view their profile, including mine I get a Error 500
Something’s Not Quite Right
This character profile could not be displayed, possibly for one of the following reasons:
- The character has been inactive. If this is your profile, try logging in and out of the character in the game client.
- The character name or realm was spelled incorrectly.
- The character has been impacted by a process such as a realm transfer or faction change.
- The character may have been deleted.
- The character is below level 10 and thus cannot be displayed.
- An illusion. What are you hiding?
yeah exact same problem.
i transferred server 2 months ago but my armory is still not loading
Hi Easydookie,
Your profile seems to be loading for me.
Is the character you are referencing no the character you posted on?
I’ve been noticing the same issue. Currently my character Chelin’s armory profile is missing. I’ve deleted browsing history, etc. Nothing seems to work. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. One night I noticed if I capitalized the first letter of my character’s name it worked, but tonight it doesn’t work.
This character’s profile picture is missing and they have no armory picture either. I’ve had the page not load at all as well. And it says he’s level 17. He’s level 30.
Having the same issue with my armory profile. Currently when you go to access it, The link will result in an Error 500.
This issue appears to be sporadic as well. Sometimes my profile will load correctly, While other times it will result in the Error 500 error message.
Guild armory’s are not loading.