***hey guys, so after my little tirade, I checked armory this morning, partially because I had given up and was just curious, and LO AND BEHOLD there he was. new name, new server, all that jazz. updated raider io and and he exists there too. so… moral of the story- u gotta spam bug report 3 times, get a 24hr ban from posting, wait a week or so, and you should be good to go. hope this helps. ***
I’ve already been through and read all the posts about armory having issues updating… I server transferred and name changed an alt, now his armory page is stuck in purgatory, and as a result, RadierIO cannot update. Clearly a Blizzard issue. “ThErE’s NoThInG tHaT cAn Be DoNe To FiX iT”. Yeah, whatever, pls figure it out, or come up with a better system. Thanks, Blizzard.
ticket submitted, check.
“bug report” or whatever this is, check.
now we wait… again…
spamming this in the support topics