I have a bit of an odd problem with my world of warcraft account: basically, most of my characters’ armory appears to be broken such that when one tries to scrape data on them from the armory API it doesn’t work. This means that the characters don’t appear on raider.io, for example (this will probably make pugging a big problem for me from this week), or another example is a spreadsheet my raidleader has made to track our reputation progress this patch that can’t see my character, and another one is that I can’t import my characters into wow model viewer for 3D printing.
As you can probably see, I have been running into more and more issues due to the API not working for me, and was wondering if we could get this fixed? The character I am having the most problems with is Televisions - TwistingNether EU, and I first noticed the issue around December I think? About the same time that I transferred a few characters from my other wow account to the one Televisions is on. The bug is occurring on most of my characters but notably not on the ones which I transferred to my main account.
I submitted a ticket and was directed to the website bug report forums, which don’t exist on the EU forums so I’m posting here.
The website which is bugged is the world of warcraft armory: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/twisting-nether/televisions
You can see an example of data from the API not loading for my characters by searching for televisions on raider.io:
Note: this is NOT a problem with raider.io specifically and therefore NOT a third party problem. The armory API is what is not working for me.