Armor abilities in shadowlands

There used to be a lot of argument that you needed your tier set make your class feel playable too.

In the end, the outer traits at least are fairly similar. Passive bonuses to specific skills that enhance your damage/healing/mitigation.

Some traits were literally old set bonuses which is a little funny.

Newspapers are for dogs and Worgen.

For the Undead, I recommend a spray bottle full of Holy Water.

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I personally never felt that tier sets made my classes feel playable I think they just made them feel more enjoyable. It’s absolutely true that tier sets were a requirement to be competitive in terms of instanced content, but I may have also just been lucky to not have played bad specs where tier sets were required for a spec to feel playable.

Which specs do you think don’t feel playable now without certain traits?

I play most classes and the only one to me is glimmer and that creates basically a whole new playstyle.

MM hunter without In the Rhythm for the massive haste and Focused Fire for the Focus regen feels extremely slow mostly because the spec itself is so reliant on just Aimed Shot instead of having its damage a bit more spread across different abilities.

I prefer corruption tho, it’s more fun than azerite armor, TD in bear form is just fun, I’m doing well in epic battleground even though I have no idea how that spec works.