<Aristocracy> (H) Recruiting for Nathria!

Aristocracy is an Emerald Dream (US) - Horde based guild that just started 3 days ago… With already 102 active members (as of this post) and over 30 lv 60s, ~10 of which being Nathria-ready at iLvls of around 180, we are actively recruiting other level 60s interested in running endgame content.

Please reach out to Vikzin (Co-GM), myself, Alhion, in-game, or anyone else in the guild to receive an invite. ( Just run a /who Aristocracy .)

NOT GEARED? UNDER 60? NEW/RETURNING? - We are recruiting all active players at this time, so as long as you plan on working towards becoming a geared, max-level participant of endgame content, we would love to welcome you to our guild. We focus on, “Growth, Development, Mastery.”