Argus teleporter in Dalaran gone. Help!

I am trying to get back to Argus to farm some rares, get some mounts and do some achievements. But the dang teleporter isn’t on the platform in Dalaran!
This toon has been there before and this is the Toon that completed storylines there and finished the campaign. I am in the correct Dalaran as well. I wasn’t in a party with anyone and I couldn’t see any quests that would have made a difference.
Anyone have any idea?

Did you wait? Sometimes, it takes a while for the stuff in Dalaran to load.

I mean, I don’t even play on a potato and Dalaran is laggy as all Hades. Make sure you give it a solid minute on the clock to load before you’re positive it didn’t show up.

You need to be in the correct dalaran. If you have unlocked the story line, then just use the light forge beacon at Krasus’ Landing.

I second Meriweather, sometimes it can just take awhile for the beacon to spawn due to Dalaran’s poor loading capability.

Did you try waiting a little while? There shouldn’t really be any reason why you can’t access it.

Yes, I waited. Everything is loaded and fine. But nothing.
I am also in the correct Dalaran.
No Beacon.
Watched my husband get on and go to where I was and use the Beacon that I can’t see. :grimacing:

You hven’t unlocked the storyline or its bugged. Maybe put in a ticket?

Or reboot?

Assuming you aren’t simply misremembering and haven’t actually unlocked it on that character, you might have accepted a quest that phased it out. A few of them have parts that take you to Krasus’ Landing for certain things, and that may be getting in the way. Check your quest log for anything Dalaran/Artifact/Velen related.

I am not sure what storyline I would need if I have the achievement for completing the Argus storylines? I’ll look though.
I also don’t have any other toon that’s been to Argus. All the other toons I have are almost level cap or not even close.
I did put in a ticket last night and see if Blizzard could help or something.
But I literally can’t figure it out.
I will check all the stuff mentioned though in case I missed something!

Did you faction change?

^That may have reset your progress as well.

As far as I remember, the requirement for opening the Argus portal are to unlock the Broken Shore, and then do the few quests that take you to Exodar to board the Vindicaar. If you’ve already done all that (and those lore NPCs aren’t lined up at the landing to start the Broken Shore stuff), then I have no idea what would be stopping you from seeing the teleporter.

The only thing I’ve done on this toon is swap realms.
I will run around Broken shore and see if there is anything there.
Couldn’t hurt at this point lol

That is really weird. It should be there as long as you did the Hand of Fate intro quest.

I would try logging off and rebooting your computer. That is my fix to everything and it works more times than not.

Even though Achievement’s are account-wide, each character has to do all the requirements to unlock the portal before they can see it.

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You probably did it in another character, I only have 4 and always get confused on who’s done it and who hasn’t.

Alliance side the quest/unlock starts in SW harbor, which never seemed the most logical spot to start it. I’ve never done it Horde side but I think it starts around Orgrimmar somewhere.

It would really help if you actually read the OP’s post before commenting.

OP, I’d suggest putting in a ticket. It’s possible something got borked when you realm transferred.